Promotions to Professorial Rank
I am pleased to announce that the Executive Committee at its 4 October 2004 meeting endorsed the promotion to the rank of Professor of Dr Sudip Kumar Rakshit, SERD/Food Engineering & Bioprocess Technology Field of Study, of Dr Sivanappan Kumar, SERD/Energy Field of Study, of Dr Jayant Kumar Routray, SERD/Regional & Rural Development Planning Field of Study, and of Dr Gopal B Thapa, SERD/Regional & Rural Development Planning Field of Study.
Professor Rakshit has been associated with the Institute since 1993. His major areas of specialization are biochemical engineering/bioprocessing, bioreactor design and analysis, food biotechnology, and lipid biotechnology. Professor Kumar has been associated with the Institute since 1995. His major areas of specialization are cleaner production, rational use of energy, solar energy, and energy & environment. Professor Routray has been associated with the Institute since 1988. His major areas of specialization are community forestry, district planning methods and techniques, geographic information systems, rural transport development, rural-regional development, and social impact assessment. Professor Thapa has been in the faculty of the Institute since 1994. His major areas of specialization are watershed development and management, natural resources management, and agricultural development.
These respective promotions recognize their valuable contributions to our Institute and their professions, and we offer them our heartfelt congratulations and best wishes.
Jean-Louis Armand