Alumni Holds First Brainstorming Meeting

Alumni Holds First Brainstorming Meeting

On 28 May 2007, the first Alumni Brainstorming Meeting was held with the most senior alumnus Prof. Subin Pinkayan. The meeting was arranged by the Golden Jubilee Fundraising Campaign (GJFC) unit led by Dr. Ir. Khin Ni Ni Thein (above), Vice President for Development and Resources and Campaign Director Mr. Sanjeev Jayasinghe. The meeting was attended by 47 alumni, including senior alumni from Bangkok, AITAA executive committee members, and AIT faculty and staff alumni.

The meeting provided a platform for AIT to present the strategies of the GJFC (2007-2009), and more importantly to listen to the comments, opinions and suggestions from our senior alumni body in order to receive their support when implementing the GJFC. The opening address of General Dr. Boonsrang Niumpradit, President AITAA-Mother Chapter was read by Dr. B.H.W. Kusumo, AITAA Mother Chapter Executive Secretary, because he is on urgent call for duties.

Dr. Subin Pinkayan (above left) recalled very succinctly in his speech the history of AIT covering three main points, namely: Who is AIT? What is AIT? and Whom does AIT want to serve? He stated that fundraising activities should be held for definite purposes and during an intensive period that has to be determined. Thus, the three year GJFC is well suited to his idea. He also advised that after the short and intensive campaign period, fundraising as an integral part of AIT's development should extend beyond the 50th anniversary celebrations, toward building of an AIT Endownment Fund.

During the discussions, comments and suggestions of the alumni were noted for follow-up by the GJFC unit. Key among these were the following:

The AITAA-Morther Chapter and its national chapters affirms its committment to support the GJFC by means of a supportive role, meaning it would like AIT to take the leadership role in fulfilling its fundraising strategies, and inform the AITAA-Mother chapter and request any support that is needed in fulfilling its objectives.

With regards to the Alumni Homecoming seminar, it was suggested that since the AITAA Governing Board meeting might be held in Bangkok in December, it would be the most appropriate time to have a day added to the program for the alumni homecoming at AIT. The AITAA-Mother Chapter will work closely with GJFC unit to coordinate this event.

The AITAA-Mother Chapter will encourage National chapters to donate to the AIT Endowment Fund and Certificates of Appreciation will be presented to individual alumni who contribute Bt10,000 or more. The certificate will show the importance and level of the donation.

A separate account will be opened to receive cash donations with accountability and transparency of the operation. An account has been already created following the AITAA brainstorming meeting. Donors can make their donation through the following bank accounts depending on the currency

Thai Baht:

Account Name: Asian Institute of Technology
Current A/C No.: 359-3-00001-2
Bank Name: Siam Commercial Bank, AIT sub-branch
Bank Address: 59 Moo 9, Paholyothin Highway, Klong Luang, Pathumthani 12120, Thailand
Swift Code: SICOTHBK

US Dollar:

Account Name: Asian Institute of Technology
Current A/C no.: 10255664
Bank Name: Citibank NA
Bank Address: Citibank, New York Head Office, Citicorp Center, 16th Floor, 153 East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10043
Swift Code: CITIUS33

When you transfer the donation, in the part of message to the beneficiary, donors are advised to write ?Donation to Global Jubilee Fund Raising Project'. This message will help AIT Finance Unit with accounting and help GJFC to report the accountability and transparency.

In addition to the GJFC's efforts to place Charity Badges on the AIT website as well as the GJFC website, it was suggested an ICT (information and communications technology) be used and have a series of e-conferences with alumni to get them more involved.

Senior alumni who have graduated 25 years ago should be approached in person and requested to provide a fixed amount of contribution towards the fundraising. The meeting also suggested that alumni are expected not only to contribute to the AIT fundraising, but also raise funds from their affluent contacts. The meeting ended with the discussions on the Alumni Home Coming Seminar to be held in September this year and another one on 8 September 2009, the Golden Jubilee day as it unfolds.