EC-ASEAN COGEN Programme Phase III (COGEN 3)

EC-ASEAN COGEN Programme Phase III (COGEN 3)

COGEN 3 aims at accelerating the implementation of proven, clean and efficient cogeneration projects using biomass, coal or gas as fuel. The projects will be implemented through partnerships between ASEAN industrial companies and European equipment suppliers.

COGEN 3 is the third phase of the EC-ASEAN cooperation programme initiated by the European Commission (EC) and the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN). It is financed by the European Commission.

COGEN 3 offers a wide range of services to support economic co-operation, including background and market information, business and technological services and support to the implementation of cogeneration projects including Full Scale Demonstration Projects (FSDPs).

In ASEAN, COGEN 3 Management Unit is based at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok, Thailand. It is assisted by seven COGEN teams coordinating COGEN 3 activities at national level. In Europe, COGEN 3 office is located in SYCON office in Malmoe, Sweden.

COGEN 3 started its operation in January 2002 and will continue until December 2004.