Launch of New Bio-Asia Program
Prof. Sudip K. Rakshit, Vice President Research AIT and Mr. Jean-Philippe Thouard, AIT French cooperation coordinator represented AIT at the launching seminar of the French Bio-Asia Programme. The program is a new regional programme of the French cooperation established to support joint research and innovation between France and Asia in the field of natural substances. The seminar discussions included a cross thematic session in intellectual property and thematic sessions in biodiversity and chemical ecology, man and natural substances, health, nutrition, agronomy and cosmetics.
Prof. Rakshit indicated keen interest in AIT's participation in such work including natural products for functional food. Mr. Thouard, who is involved in the implementation of the programme, presented collaborative and networking aspects of the programme as well as the future call for proposals to be made in the coming months.
Further information about the Bio-Asia programme as well as the presentations made at the seminar are available at