Personal information for income tax calculation needed
In order to manage AIT employee's personal information and personal income tax information more accurately and effectively, Human Resources Office (HRO) requests all AIT staff to check and confirm or amend their own information.
Please go through the Web page,, Personal, Family and Tax Information to view and confirm or make request to amend. You can find the Web pages by clicking on the View Employee Profile link.
Click 'Confirm' if you find your information is correct. If you would like to make amendments in the information, please fill up the related forms. You are requested to submit the required documents to support your requests.
The required documents:
Personal Information: Copy of ID cards/passports, marriage/divorce, certificates (if any), name/surname changing documents (if any); family Information: birth certificates/adopted child certificates (if any), death certificates (if any member of your family passed away); tax Information copy of receipts related to tax (if any); house registration (if any changes, please submit related documents).
Please contact HRO for more information.