E-books, trial database available at library

E-books, trial database available at library

Ebrary: A Collection of E-books is now available for AIT community as a trial database until 15 December 2006. Additionally CABI: Aquaculture Compendium is available as a trial database until 10 December 2006.

Ebrary provides thousands of electronic books from more than 220 leading publishers, STM, and professional publishers and aggregators.

Subjects are: business, marketing and economics; computers and information technology; education; engineering and technology; health, biomedical and clinical sciences; history and humanities; life and physical science; social and behavioral sciences.

For more information, please access library Web site: http://www.library.ait.ac.th.
click TRIAL DATABASES or go to http://site/ebrary.com/lib/aitlibrary

The Aquaculture Compendium is an interactive encyclopedia database on aquaculture production and health.

The database covers cultured species, diseases, technology, seed and grow-out management of inland freshwater, brackish water culture and mariculture the Aquaculture Compendium provides the information needed to identify, solve and prevent health problems and promote the sustainable development of aquatic resources. It also allows users to prepare reports and extension literature, study, advise others, compile, maps, graphs and tables, and perform statistical analyses.

For more information, please access library Web site: http//www.library.ait.ac.th and click TRIAL DATABASES or go to http://www.cabicompendium.org/ac/start.asp.

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