Logo competition for Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Knowledge Hub project
AIT & United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) are organizing a logo competition for the ongoing 3RKH (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Knowledge Hub) project.
Theme: (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) Knowledge Hub or 3RKH
Brief Introduction to 3RKH project:
What are the 3Rs?
- Reduce: reducing the amount of waste by increasing the efficiency of resource use and extending the useful life of products
- Reuse: using 'recyclable resources' form used items again, as products or parts, after giving them proper treatment
- Recyclee: using 'recyclable resources' as raw materials to make new products
To develop proactive facilitation for 3R implementation, a knowledge hub on 3R was established. This knowledge hub will facilitate effective exchange and dissemination of 3R knowledge among countries, sub-regions, and regions in order to lead to active implementation of 3R at all levels for sustainable use of resources.
Deadline: The entries must reach the below mentioned e-mail by 10 January, 2007;
Only electronic version/ scanned file(s) will be accepted. The number of entries from single person is not limited. The selected logo will win a cash prize of US$200.
Copyright: Contributors must understand/ know that (upon submission) they are also transferring the copyright of their work to UNEP Regional Resource Center for Asia and Pacific (if selected). No part of the selected work art/ design may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy or any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the UNEP RRC.AP. Selected logo will be used to promote the project activities in all possible means.
Please submit your entries by e-mail to rrkh@.ait.ac.th or
Please contact in advance if your file size is larger than 3MB.
Please call Norbu at Ext. 6189 or e-mail
for any further enquiries.