Dr. B. Mohanty, Visiting Faculty in the Energy field of study, recently brought to
AIT's attention the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand's recently launched
initiative to reduce 10 million tons of CO2 emission by the dissemination of
10 million T5 fluorescent lamps and 30 million CFLs. Dr. Mohanty helped
coordinate and took part in a meeting with the Assistant Governor EGAT,
along with Dr. H.L. Tien, Head Infrastructure, following which AIT has made a
formal submission, expressing interest in participating in the program, under
which EGAT would finance the retrofitting of the lamps. Apart from the savings in
electricity, this measure would also help reduce the peak demand of AIT, thus
resulting in additional savings for the Institute. They decided to set up two pilot
sites at AIT, in one of the classrooms in School of Environment, Resources and
Development (SERD), and the other in an office in the administration building.