Library changes policy on lost book fines

Library changes policy on lost book fines

Book borrowers from AIT Library who lost the loan books please first report to circulation desk for changing the status of the book and stopping overdue fines. They should also look around your home, office, etc., to find the lost book, and the library staff will later check the shelves for lost books. If a book is definitely lost, the Library will charge the book borrower with the below rates as follows:

Lost book fines and replacement charges:

1. Books

A lost book may be recovered through either of the following charging options:

1) Value of the lost book plus a processing fee of 200 baht/item.
2) Patrons may buy a new book to replace the lost book. The replacement must be of the same or newer edition plus a processing fee of 200 baht/item.
3) If the lost book is already out of print, the charges shall be the most recent value of the lost book plus a processing fee of 200 baht/item.
4) If a replaced book cannot be found, and there is an urgent need to settle charges (e.g. at time of final clearance from the institute), the following charges shall be made:

Charge: 3 baht/page
Processing fee: 200 baht/item

Binding: 100 baht/item

2. AIT Thesis, Dissertation and RSPR

Photocopy: 1 baht/page
Processing fee: 200 baht/item
Binding: 100 baht/item

Overdue charges at 5 baht/day shall also be applied.