Partnership Agreement with Islamic University of Indonesia

6 December 2007, AIT signed an MoU with Islamic University of Indonesia (UII), Yogyakarta UII, which will further strengthen the cooperation between AIT and UII through joint academic, research, training, advisory, and consultancy activities. Under this MoU, AIT-UII will carry out joint education programs and research covering all relevant disciplines in AIT and UII. Priority areas are UII staff development, dual degree program, faculty / staff exchange and joint research. AIT and UII agreed to follow up a two stage/dual degree program between UII and AIT, wherein the two institutions will jointly seek funding, including from Ministry of National Education, Indonesia.

Attending the signing ceremony were AIT President Said Irandoust, Professor Edy Suandi Hamid, Rector, Islamic University of Indonesia (UII), Yogyakarta and Mr. Fathul Wahid, Dean, Faculty of Industrial Technology, UII. Dr. Voratas Kachitvichyanukul, Associate Professor and Field Coordinator, Design and Manufacturing Engineering (DME) & Industrial Engineering and Management (IEM), School of Engineering and Technology (SET); Ir. Erik L.J. Bohez, Associate Professor, DME & IEM, SET; Dr. Bonaventura H. W. Hadikusumo, Assistant Professor and Field Coordinator, Construction, Engineering and Infrastructure Management (CEIM), SET; Dr. Pritam Krishna Shrestha, Head, External Relations and Communications Office (ERCO); and Mr. Kyaw Soe Hlaing, Coordinator, Promotions and Alumni Relations.

UII has over the past three years been sending one of their staff to AIT every year for their higher studies. UII has a long-term plan to develop the capacity of their faculty members, mainly in the area of industrial engineering, mechatronics and computer science.

AIT has successfully developed and launched a dual degree program in transportation engineering in collaboration with the University of Gadjah Mada (UGM) with funding provided by Indonesia's Ministry of Public Works and Ministry of National Education. AIT has extended an invitation to other universities in Indonesia to partner AIT in a similar a manner and so far has received positive feedback from the Institut Teknologu Bandung (ITB) and ITS Surabaya, who have expressed their interest and willingness to collaborate with AIT.