AIT hosts International Workshop on Sustainable Urban Development

AIT hosts International Workshop on Sustainable Urban Development

Organized in collaboration with BURO DAP, a development, architecture
and planning consultancy firm, the event focused on the theme: “Smart
Cities, and Planning and Management of Historic Towns.”

Welcoming the participants, Prof. Kazuo Yamamoto, Vice President for
Research Development, stated that nearly half of the population of
Thailand was urbanized. Urbanization has significant implications as
they alter our consumption patterns, and it is important that we learn
to preserve the past and build smarter cities, Prof. Yamamoto added.

“Planning and Management of Historic Towns in Thailand,” and “Heritage
Conservation and Environmental Management” were the focus of two
sessions which were chaired by Dr Sohee Kim of AIT and Dr. Mohammad
Jawed, visiting faculty member at AIT.

Prominent speakers at the workshop included Dr. Chuthatip Maneepong of
Thai City Planners Society (TCPS); Mr. Urint Hatasingh of Office of
Foreign Relations, Department of Public Works and Town and Country
Planning; Mr. Guilberto Borongan, Regional Resource Center for Asia and
the Pacific, AIT; RRCAP; Dr. Vilas Nitivattananon of AIT; Mr. Kamonsorn
Thanwiset of Department of Architecture, Rajamangla University; Dr.
Suwattana Thadaniti of Faculty of Architecture, Kasetsart University;
and Mr. Chaiyanun Butsayarat, Director, Ayutthaya Historical Park
Department of Fine Arts. Earlier, Dr. Vilas Nitivattananon of Urban
Environmental Management (UEM), AIT; and Mr. Rajesh Rajasekharan of
BURO DAP welcomed the participants and introduced the outlines of the

Participants came from Dept. of Public Works, Town and Country
Planning, Thailand; AIT; La Salle University, Bogota, Colombia;
Chulalongkorn University, Thailand; Rajamangla University, Thailand;
Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific (RR.CAP), AIT; Thai
City Planners Society; BURO DAP and AIT.