Third batch of 32 Myanmar scholars arrive at AIT

Third batch of 32 Myanmar scholars arrive at AIT

Congratulating the students, Mr. Chatri Moonstan, Senior Programme
Office (Development Cooperation), Royal Norwegian Embassy stated that
AIT has an “important role offering knowledge and skills to students
all over Asia.” Delivering a message from the Norwegian Ambassador to
Thailand, H.E. Ms. Katja Christina Nordgaard, Mr. Chatri stated that
Norway was supporting the scholarship program so that the students
could serve towards sustainable development of their motherland,
Myanmar. “You are the young generation and the future of your country,”
the ambassador’s message said. “In return, Norway does not want
anything in return, except that you work very hard,” the message

AIT’s Interim President, Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai reiterated AIT’s
vision of continuing to provide quality education and catering to the
development needs of the region. Tracing the history of scholarships
provided to students from different countries, Prof. Worsak stated that
in the nineteen-eighties, students from China were major beneficiaries,
which was followed by students from Vietnam in the nineteen-nineties.
For the past three years, students from Myanmar have benefitted from
the generous scholarship support by NMFA, he added.

Dr. Donyaprueth Krairit, Interim Dean, School of Management, and Dr.
Rajendra Shrestha of School of Environment, Resources and Development,
addressed the students and informed them of the academic offerings at
their respective schools. Dr. Gabrielle Groves Punyaratabandhu, Head,
External Relations and Communications Office (ERCO), provided a brief
introduction of the program. Mr. Thomas Hamilton from the AIT Language
Center described the details of the bridging program, while Ms. Laarni
Ms. Laarni B. Roa, Head, Students elaborated on registration of
students and other student-related procedures.

A photo gallery from this event is available at these links:
