Registry Office Reminders to Graduands


14 June - 30 June 2004 Check list of graduands at the Registry Counter
5 July - 26 July 2004 Request for complete transcript B 30.00 per copy 4 August 2004
Request for attested copy of degree certificate B 20.00 per copy 4 August 2004
Request for graduation photographs B 150.00 10 August 2004
4 August 2004 Rent of Gown & Hood B 250 9:00 - 11:00 hr at Registry Office
5 August 2004 10:00 hrs: GRADUATION REHEARSAL, AITCC Auditorium
(graduands only)
(graduands and faculty)
6 August 2004 08:00 hrs: Photo Sessions, AITCC Auditorium
10:30 hrs: 101st GRADUATION CEREMONY, AIT Conference
14:00-15:00 hrs: Return gowns & hoods to the
Registry Office


The procedures for checking the thesis/research study title page
are as follows:

(i) Make a print out of the RESEARCH STUDY/THESIS TITLE page;
(ii) Get your Advisor's approval of the title by asking him/her to sign on the
title page;
(iii) Write your "working" e-mail address and your student ID no.
on the title page;
(iv) Submit your title page to the Registry Office.
(v) Registry to send all title pages to the Language Center for checking of
the titles;
(vi) The Language Center will return the corrected title pages to Registry to
note the corrections and check the format.
(vii) Check your corrected title pages at the Registry counter after at least
4 days from the day you submitted your title page.

These procedures will take few days, thus, all graduands are advised to accomplish
steps 1-4 no later than 15 July 2004.

Candidates for graduation will not be certified for graduation at the meeting
of the Academic Senate (Review of Students) on 30 July 2004 unless
the original and required number of copies of the final corrected version of
their research reports, thesis or dissertation are available for examination
in their academic unit office prior to the meeting of the Academic Senate (Review
of Students)

To ensure that names are spelt correctly and arranged in the appropriate sequence,
students who expect to graduate on 6 August 2004 are requested to check their
names on the list of graduands at the Registry Office from 14 June - 30 June
After mid-day of 30 June 2004, we will not change any name
on the degree certificates

The rehearsal will be at 10.00 am. and 13.30 pm. on Thursday, 5 August 2004
in the AIT Conference Center Auditorium. All graduating students must attend
both the morning and afternoon rehearsals. No excuse will be accepted for not
attending the rehearsals (e.g. family members to pick-up at the airport, job
interview, special appointment, etc.). Thus, please ensure that you are available
on the rehearsal day. Otherwise, you will not be allowed to attend the graduation
ceremony the following day.
All graduating students are reminded to complete
the Graduation Attendance Form and return it to Registry no later than
23 July 2004 (Friday).

Graduands must clear with the Schools, Centers, Departments and Registry not
later than 26 July 2004
using the clearance form. You will not be allowed
to graduate if you still have unpaid fees, including Student Union fees.

Invitation card(s) will be provided for your guest(s) which have to be presented
at the entrance of the AIT Conference Center Auditorium. The number of cards
per student depends on the number of graduands for that batch, which will be
determined by Registry. Graduands' guests can also avail of the baby-sitting
or child-care service to be provided by teachers in the AIT Community School
on graduation day.

To save both graduands' and Registry time, order transcripts and attested copies
of the degree certificates in a single request by filling-up the academic records
request form. Please submit requests no later than 26 July 2004.

Graduands can have his/her own designated photographer during the ceremony by
getting a photographer's pass at the Registry Counter.

Graduands should complete the request for graduation photograph form and pay
B 150.00 to the Cashier to meet the cost of graduation photographs (one academic
unit group photograph and one individual photograph, size 5"x7", and
the negative of the individual photograph). These can be claimed from 10
August 2004

For other sizes (enlarged), please indicate clearly in the request form.

Graduands must pay B 250.00 rent for the graduation gown and hood. Give to the
Registry staff concerned the receipt and your student ID card when you claim
the gown and hood. Please note that it is prohibited for non-graduating students
to wear AIT gowns. Please do not lend AIT gowns to friends or relatives.

Make sure that you have the correct hood:

Master of Engineering Narrow orange border
Master of Science Narrow yellow border
Master of Business Administration Narrow blue border
Doctor of Engineering Wide orange border
Doctor of Technical Science Wide yellow border
Doctor of Philosophy Wide white border

Gowns and hoods should be returned to the Registry Store Room by 1400
- 1500 hours on 6 August 2004 at the latest.
Graduates who
return gowns and hoods after this date will be fined B1,000.00 each.

Those granted with return air ticket must book with Nancy or APG Tours (check
the list available at the Registry office before booking). Per AIT regulation,
only the cheapest air ticket and most direct route will be paid by the Institute.
More expensive airlines and routes may be booked but students must bear the
cost over and above the cost of the cheapest airline and route.

All graduating students MUST vacate their rooms and return their keys to the
Student Accommodation Office on 8 August 2004 at the latest. For
details, please contact the Student Accommodation Officer.

With instruction from donors, please note that graduating students granted with
return air travel are not provided with allowance for unaccompanied baggage.
For details, please contact Pornsiri at Registry Office or Christine at Scholarships

To make it easier for graduating students to join the Alumni Association, your
Bt 500.00 deposit will be credited to the Association for your AITAA Life Membership.
The alumni directory update form must be filled-up for the Alumni Relations
Office record.