
AIT faculty featured in special ‘COP’ newsletter

 Prof Sivanappan Kumar of the School of Environment, Energy and
Resources (SERD) of the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) has been
featured in the special 'COP' edition newsletter of the Technology
Needs Assessment (TNA) program.

TNA is a capacity building project to enable participating countries
to identify their technology needs for mitigation and adaption, and the
UNEP Risoe Centre (URC), Denmark has engaged the Centre of Excellence
for Sustainable Development in the context of Climate Change (SDCC),
AIT, for implementing TNA in developing Asian countries.

AIT Flood Disaster Institute Forum

AIT’s post-flood situation, the resumption of academic programs on December 6 and the “temporary and partial relocation” to campuses in Hua Hin and Cha-Am, Thailand, and AIT’s immediate plans for the recovery and restoration of the inundated Pathumthani campus were hot topics aired at an open forum for the AIT Community held last week (25 November 2011) in downtown Bangkok.

Institute Forum

AnnouncementAn Institute Forum will be organized by the Asian Institute of Technology on 25 November 2011 (Friday) from 9-12.00 hours at Room NO 202 (IInd Floor) at the Mahittalatibet Building, Faculty of Economics, Chulalongkorn University.

AIT alumni termed Nostradamus of Bangkok floods

An alumnus of the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Dr. Seree Supratid has been labelled the “Nostradamus of Bangkok floods” by the English daily Bangkok Post. Dr. Seree has emerged as a national celebrity following his accurate flood warnings and predictions, easy to understand reliable information and technical advice.