
AIT open presentation competition

An “Open Presentation Competition” will be organized on 8 December to mark the Golden Jubilee year of the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT). The competition is being organized by Office of the President along with the Student Union.The topics for the competition are :School of Environment, Resources and Development (SERD) – “Attainment of Energy and Food security with respect to the climate change and sustainable rural development in Asia-Pacific region.

Award ceremony of Second Bio-innovations Asia

The second Bio-innovations Asia award ceremony shall be held on 8 December 2009 at the Rama Gardens Hotel Vibhavadi Rangsit Road, Bangkok. Bio-innovations Asia, a collaboration between Asian Institute of Technolgy (AIT) and Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC), aims to stimulate and enable research on bio-innovation systems in Asia that addresses poverty alleviation, and to initiate and support the building of a network of researchers and scholars committed to understanding and enhancing bio-innovation towards economically progressive and socially responsible ways.

“Universities are suffering from isolation and self references”

Universities are increasingly suffering from isolation and “self references”, which acts like a barrier towards achieving results. This was stated at the President of Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Said Irandoust while speaking at the panel discussion on “Innovation, creativity and education” organized by Centre for Learning Innovation and Quality (CLIQ).

HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn honors AIT

AIT President Said Irandoust was honored by Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn at the research exhibition organized by the Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy (CRMA). At an elaborate ceremony, HRH Sirindhorn bestowed a token of appreciation to the Asian Institute of Technology for its contribution to the annual event.

Asian School of Computer Science organized at AIT

The 20th Asian School on Computer Science (ASCS) was organized by AIT’s Internet Education and Research Laboratory (intERLab) at the AIT Conference Centre on 15-16 November 2009. This annual activity provides short courses which are conducted by leading experts in field of computer science, apart from enabling local participation from the Asia Pacific region.

Prof Biswas and Prof Tortajada appointed Senior Executive Advisors

Professor Asit K Biswas and Professor Cecilia Tortajada of the Third World Centre for Water Management in Mexico, have been appointed Senior Executive Advisors to the AIT President Said Irandoust. They will help develop a unique, multidisciplinary, and multi-sectoral executive training program at AIT for senior Asian officials, apart from exploring appropriate sources of possible funding for this program.