
Asia-Link project supports engineering education in Afghanistan

AIT recently hosted the second workshop of the Partnership
Management Committee of the EC funded Asia-Link project “Euro-Asia
Partnership for Development of Human Resource Capacity of Engineering
Education in Afghanistan”. The project links AIT with Slovak University
of Technology (STU, Slovakia), Vienna University of Technology (VUT,
Austria), Kabul Polytechnic University (KPU, Afghanistan) and Herat
University (HU, Afghanistan) to collaborate on ways to contribute to
the improvement of engineering education in Afghanistan by building
partnerships between European and Asian higher education institutions.

25 February 2009: Role of NGOs and Academia in Achieving the MDGs in Asia

Colloquium on "Role of NGOs and Academia in Achieving the MDGs in Asia" Venue: Room B108, AIT Conference Center Date: 25th February 2009, Wednesday Time: 13:30-16:30 H The ASEAN Regional Center of Excellence on MDGs at Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) will present a research colloquium titled – "Role of NGOs and Academia in Achieving the MDGs in Asia". The colloquium coincides with the Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (CONGO). The event coincides with the CONGO Board Meeting which will be held at AIT during 23rd – 25th February 2009. Tentative Program for the colloquium is as follows: Welcome by the Director of the MDG Center, Prof.

23 February 2009: “ROBIO 2008” – IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics

H.E. Dr. Khunying Kalaya Sophonpanich, Minister of Science and Technology, Thailand, will preside over the opening ceremony of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, ROBIO 2008, on 23 February 2009, from 8:30 – 9:00 a.m., Rainbow Room, 5th Floor, Imperial Queen’s Park Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand.

17 February 2009: Enhancing the Usefulness of Quality Function Deployment seminar

A special seminar will be held on Tuesday, 17 February 2009 at 11:00 a.m. in room IE-115, Chalerm Prakiat Building. Prof Kwang-Jae Kim will give the presentation titled Enhancing the Usefulness of Quality Function Deployment.AbstractQuality Function Deployment (QFD) is a concept and mechanism for translating the "voice of the customer" through the various stages of product planning, engineering, and manufacturing into a final product.