
27 March 2008: CSO-CGIAR Inception Workshop

A CSO-CGIAR (Civil Society Organization – Consultative Group of International Agriculture Research) funded project Linking Thai Jasmine Rice farmers with markets using participatory action research for sustainability of rain-fed lowland rice-based system of Northeast Thailand will organize an  Inception Workshop on 27 March 2008 at Milton Bender Auditorium at 9:00a.m.  AIT is partnering with the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) as CGAIR partner center and with a local Thai NGO, Thai Education Foundation (TEF).This project aims to enhance the productivity of Jasmine Rice Production System through participatory action research trials using Farmer’s Field Schools (FFS) approach.

24-25 March 2008: ASEAN Regional Roundtable on “Promotion and Achievement of Millenium Development Goals through Education and Outreach”

The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), the NGO Section of the United Nations Department of Social and Economic Affairs (UNDESA) and the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), will  host on 24-25 March 2008 the event called ASEAN Regional Roundtable on "Promotion and Achievement of Millenium Development Goals through Education and Outreach".

The ASEAN Roundtable aims to create awareness and bring together high level decision makers, experts, policy makers and representatives from civil society to deliberate on the challenges South East Asian countries face in achieving the eight Millenium Development  Goals (MDG). Participants to the Roundtable will generate strategies aiming at improving and expanding capacity of institutions and professionals to cope with the MDG challenges.

AIT inaugurates office for US$1.5 mil program at Balkh University, Afghanistan

The AIT team in traditional Afghani robes.The Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) took a major step forward today (11 March 2008) with its plan to assist the development of higher education in Afghanistan, inaugurating a branch office at Balkh University (BU) to manage its recently signed US$ 1.5 million University Partnership Program to assist the Faculty of Engineering at Balkh University.

05 March 2008: New Small 5-axis CNC Machine for Educational and Industrial Training Seminar

The Asian Institute of Technology and SPAR Mechatronics Co., Ltd will conduct a New Small 5-axis CNC Machine for Educational and Industrial Training Seminar to be held at the AIT Conference Center on 05 March 2008, 8:30 a.m.


The seminar will introduce the small 5- axis CNC training machine tool developed jointly by Spar Company and AIT with support from the Royal Thai Government.

AIT, Norwegian Electricity Cooperation and Vietnam Electricity sign MOU for international Executive MBA scholarships, and more

Mr. Ragnar Soegaard, CFO (left), E-CE Energi and Program Director of NEC, exchanges the MoU with AIT President Said Irandoust on 27 February. The Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) has joined with Vietnam Electricity (EVN) and Norwegian Electricity Cooperation (NEC) to establish a three-year cooperative program for MBA graduate education, research, training, and consultancy activities designed to support the development of human resources in Vietnam related to the power market, power transmission and finance and investment industries.

AIT, Norwegian Electricity Cooperation and Vietnam Electricity sign MOU for international Executive MBA scholarships, and more

The Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) has joined with Vietnam Electricity (EVN) and Norwegian Electricity Cooperation (NEC) to establish a three-year cooperative program for MBA graduate education, research, training, and consultancy activities designed to support the development of human resources in Vietnam related to the power market, power transmission and finance and investment industries.