
Comments Requested for

The project team comprising of ADB, UNEP, UNESCAP, and AIT recently held a logo competition for the Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Knowledge Hub (3RKH) project. The top 3 short-listed logos (from 50 entries) as shown above were selected for the AIT community’s comments.

Dual degree student participation marks AIT – TSF’s presence in Mozambique operation

Following the heavy floods which have been affecting the regions of Tete, Manica, Sofala and Zambezia for several weeks, the situation in Mozambique has deteriorated significantly over the recent days.

Laurent Simon, an AIT student in the dual degree program in Telecommunications FoS, School of Engineering and Technology, with French Institut National des Télécommunications (INT), is currently involved as a volunteer in an emergency operation with Telecom sans Fronti?res (TSF) in Mozambique.

Speck Systems, India employees to further their master’s studies in RS&GIS

A Memoradum of Understanding between AIT and Speck Systems Ltd. (SSL), Hyderabad, India., was signed during a one-day visit to India by Prof. Said Irandoust, AIT President, on 19 February 2007. The MoU covers the agreement that SSL will sponsor two employees for studies/research per year (starting from the August 2007 intake), leading to a master’s degree in Remote Sensing & Geographic Information Systems (RS&GIS) at AIT. The students under this agreement will spend two semesters at AIT and two semesters thesis work at Speck.

MOU promises more dynamic collaboration

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between Total Exploration and Production Thailand (TEPT), Total Professors Associations (TPA) and AIT at the Offshore Technology and Management (OTM) Open House Day held on 20 February 2007 to renew the MoU to strengthen the educational collaboration among three partners.

19 September 2007: Special Gender Sensitivity Workshop by Ms. Nelien Haspels

Ms. Nelien Haspels, Senior Gender Specialist, International Labour Organization, Sub-regional Office for East Asia, kindly agreed to facilitate a series of gender sensitivity workshops/trainings at AIT. The workshop conducted on 31 August entitled, "Gender Mainstreaming in Institutions of Higher Learning" and "Action Against Sexual Harassment" was attended by the Dean, School of Engineering and Technology (SET), Associate Dean for New Development, SET, some of Field of Study Coordinators from the three Schools, members of the faculty, staff and students.