
Pakistan’s KTN TV visits AIT

Pakistan's KTN TV visits AIT

On 30 August 2007, one of Pakistan's leading TV channels, KTN, visited AIT and shot some promotional videos. KTN personnel also conducted interviews with some AIT Pakistani students and members of the administration.

AIT's doctoral student from Pakistan, Mr. Abdul Rehman Abbasi, assisted in coordinating their visit with the support of the External Relations and Communications Office.

Extension of laptop subsidy to other students of AIT

Extension of laptop subsidy to other students of AIT

In addition to providing a laptop subsidy to new master's and doctoral students enrolling from the August 2007 intake, AIT was able to negotiate an extension of the subsidy to other students of AIT.

The subsidy will be as follows:

A 50% subsidy to doctoral students enrolled in the August 2006 and January 2007 intakes, students enrolled in the two-stage masters program with AIT Center in Vietnam (AITCV) who have started their studies at the AIT main campus from August 2007 (AIT and AITCV share the costs of subsidy equally).
A 25% subsidy will be offered to master's students enrolled in the August 2006 and January 2007 intakes, students from the two-stage masters program with institutes other than AITCV who have taken up their studies at AIT from the August 2007 semester, and professional master's students enrolled in the August 2007 intake.

12-14 September: WEM workshop on freshwater resources in South and Southeast Asia

12-14 September: WEM workshop on freshwater resources in South and Southeast Asia

The Water Engineering and Management Field of Study, School of Engineering and Technology (SET), and the United Nations Environment Programme, next week will jointly organize a Review Workshop on Vulnerability Assessment of Freshwater Resources in South and Southeast Asia.

15-16 September 2007: Mozilla 24 Event

15-16 September 2007: Mozilla 24 Event
'Mozilla 24' is a worldwide, 24-hour open discussion that connects community members, academics and Web visionaries from Asia, America and Europe, in person and over the broadband video WIDE network. The event will feature industry leaders who will present on Web trends and technologies that will help shape the future of the Web.

3-6 December: International Agricultural Engineering Conference

3-6 December: International Agricultural Engineering Conference

The Asian Association for Agricultural Engineering (AAAE) is organizing its International Agricultural Engineering Conference (IAEC) – 2007 to be held from December 3-6, 2007 at AIT.

The conference objectives are:

To strengthen the profession of agricultural engineering by promoting information exchange, improving communications, minimizing duplication of activities, and optimizing use of resources.

“Intellectual Property and Development” Training Held for the Diplomatic Community in Bangkok



Diplomats from various Asian and European countries in Bangkok participated in a collabotative training program on "Intellectual Property and Development" for the Diplomatic Community in Bangkok.

    The workshop was organized by United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) - with the collaboration of AIT and the United Nations Economic and Social Development in Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) from  21 to 22  June 2007 at UNESCAP Training center in Bangkok.

AIT and Siam City Bank launch VISA Platinum Card for student scholarships

AIT and Siam City Bank launch VISA Platinum Card for student scholarships
AIT News4 September 2007The Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) has joined hands with Siam City Bank to issue a new credit card, namely the SCIB-AIT VISA Platinum Card, intended to benefit card-holders with financial services and raise funds for scholarships at the post-graduate institute, at the same time.

Board Nominating Committee Meeting held

Board Nominating Committee Meeting held

A meeting of the Board Nominating Committee was held on 23 August 2007 in Board Chairman Dr. Tej Bunnag's office at The Privy Council Chambers, Saranrom Palace Gardens, Bangkok. The meeting was chaired by Dr. Tej and attended by H.E. Mr. Hideaki Kobayashi, Ambassador of Japan; Dr. Malee Suwana-adth, Senior Advisor, National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology; and Professor Ram M. Shrestha, Chairman of the Academic Senate.