
AIT-UNITAR and ASEAN Regional Round Table on MDGs

AIT-UNITAR and ASEAN Regional Round Table on MDGs

In follow-up to discussions between the AIT administration and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), through Mr. Nico Barito, Senior Fellow, UNITAR (who is also a member of the AIT Center in Indonesia Steering Committee, and AIT Institute-level Advisory Board), UNITAR expressed very positive feedback regarding AIT's proposal to establish the Institute as a Center of Excellence for ASEAN countries regarding Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Education and Training.

SERD welcomes two professors

SERD welcomes two professors

The School of Environment, Resources and Development (SERD) welcomes Professor Dr. Vikram Chadha, who joined the Regional and Rural Development Planning Field of Study as a Visiting Professor, and Prof. Yaw-Juen Wang, who is seconded by the Government of Taiwan as a Visiting Professor in Energy Field of Study for a period of one year.

Progress on Draft AIT Charter

Progress on Draft AIT Charter

The latest version of the Draft AIT Charter, which was reviewed and considered by the Executive Committee at its 6 August 2007 meeting, and subsequently also by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Thailand, was provided to members of the Board of Trustees for their feedback and comments.

Visit of former seconded faculty member, Mr. Ragnar Soegaard

Visit of former seconded faculty member, Mr. Ragnar Soegaard
Mr. Ragnar Soegaard, a former seconded faculty member from Norway, and currently the senior Vice President of E-CO Energi, visited AIT on 14 August 2007. Mr. Soegaard, together with Dr. Fredric William Swierczek, Director AIT Center in Vietnam, has developed a concept paper on 'International Executive MBA, Vietnam with a specialization in Energy Management' under which Mr. Soegaard is also trying to mobilize some scholarships from the Norwegian hydropower sector.

Presentation on new AIT Website (PLONE)

Presentation on new AIT Website (PLONE)

On 14 August 2007, AIT President Said Irandoust attended the meeting of the central administration, reviewing the proposed new AIT website being developed using the PLONE content management system. Based on further comments and suggestions made at the meeting, the proposed website is being modified.

Registration for French courses

Registration for French courses

For those who have registered for French courses conducted by the AIT Language Center, kindly pay 250 baht to the AIT Cashier and bring the receipt to class which will be collected by the teacher.

CONVERSATION 1 (F1) will start on Monday, 27 August 2007.

The course's content includes listening comprehension and conversation skills for beginners.

Job vacancies

Job vacancies
Positions available at PBL Group Ltd.

PBL Group Ltd., one of the most experienced companies in Thailand's construction industry with expertise in Post Tensioning Systems, needs a (1) Design Engineer and a (2) Quality Control Engineer.

PBL Group commenced its operation in 1988. Throughout the years, the company's excellent and outstanding record in multi-discipline engineering and design and construction technologies have kept it at the lead of Thailand's companies by providing innovative skills and techniques to Civil Engineering.

07 September: US Embassy representatives to address human rights

One of the most fundamental concepts underpinning policy decisions at the national and international levels today is human rights. It is therefore important to understand how this concept is interpreted and applied by various governments. To initiate a dialogue on this issue, on Friday, 7 September 2007, Mr. Guy Margalith, Human Rights Officer, and Ms. Jessica Adler, Deputy Refugee Coordinator, from the US Embassy in Bangkok will come to AIT to speak on "Human Rights and the Refugee Situation in Thailand". The talk will be held in the Milton E. Bender, Jr. Auditorium starting at 1:30 p.m.
