
Gadjah Mada University proposes AIT for Joint Offering of Master’s Program in Transportation Engineering

Gadjah Mada University proposes AIT for Joint Offering of Master's Program in Transportation Engineering

Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Indonesia, recently proposed AIT's Transportation Engineering field of study, School of Engineering and Technology (SET), to partner the university in jointly offering a master's program in transportation engineering.

SOM Board Meeting

SOM Board Meeting

The second meeting of AIT's School of Management (SOM) Board was held on 24 May 2007. It was chaired by Mr. Narayana N. R. Murthy, Chairman of the Board and Chief Mentor, Infosys, India and attended by external members Mr. John W. Hancock, Honorary Chairman and Senior Advisor, Baker and Mckenzie Co. Ltd.

Kamphuan Memorial Tsunami Education Museum in Ranong Province Inaugurated

Kamphuan Memorial Tsunami Education Museum in Ranong Province Inaugurated
Scores of local residents from 2004 tsunami affected communities attended the opening of Kamphuan Memorial Tsunami Education museum recently. The community center and meeting halls are part of the Post-Tsunami Sustainable Livelihoods Program, sponsored by U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by AIT (SERD, AARM), Coastal Resources Center/ University of Rhode Island and University of Hawaii (Hilo). The aim of this program is to help improve tsunami affected communities’ economies and give residents skills and resources necessary for self recovery.

H.E. Mr. Pieter Marres succeeds H.E. Mr. Jonas Hafstrom as the next Chairman of Executive Committee

H.E. Mr. Pieter Marres succeeds H.E. Mr. Jonas Hafstrom as the next Chairman of Executive Committee
AIT trustee and member of the Executive Committee, H.E. Mr. Pieter Marres, Ambassador of the Netherlands to Thailand, has been appointed as the next Chairman of the Executive Committee, succeeding H.E. Mr. Jonas Hafstrom, Ambassador of Sweden.

Secretary, Ministry of Works and Human Settlement, Bhutan, discusses collaboration with AIT

Secretary, Ministry of Works and Human Settlement, Bhutan, discusses collaboration with AIT

On 25 May 2007, Mr. Tshering Dorji, Secretary, Ministry of Works and Human Settlement, Bhutan, and AIT President Said Irandoust, discussed areas in which there could further collaboration between AIT and Bhutan and also ways in which we could bring in more students from Bhutan.

Doctoral comprehensive examinations scheduled

Doctoral comprehensive examinations scheduled
Mr. Ahadiyat Yugi Rahayu (101473), a candidate for the degree of Doctor of Technical Science in Agricultural Systems and Engineering field of study, School of Environment, Resources and Development (SERD) will have his comprehensive examination on Wednesday, 20 June 2007, 10:00 a.m. in Room 216, AFE Building.

Two new AIT graduates win paper competition

Two new AIT graduates win paper competition
Papers written by two AIT newly graduates (May 2007) Mr. Didin Agustian Permadi (left) and Mr. Kok Sothea (right) from Environmental Engineering and Management (EEM), School of Environment, Resources and Development ( SERD) were among the winners at the graduate level of a competition organized by the West Coast Section – Air & Waste Management Association of U.S.A. Mr. Permadi's paper is entitled "Photochemical smog pollution in Jakarta and management strategy development using CAMx-MM5 modeling system". Mr. Sothea's paper on "Emission inventory for modeling air quality for Phnom Penh, Cambodia" received the special comment of one of the reviewers as the most sophisticated work representing an attempt to gain insight into the air quality issues of a major metropolitan city (Phnom Penh City, Cambodia) based on relatively limited data concerning the emission sources.