
South African Ambassador sees prospects for AIT’s partnership with South Africa

South African Ambassador sees prospects for AIT's partnership with South Africa

During his visit to AIT on 24 April 2007, H.E. Ms. Pearl Nomvume Magaqa, Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa, expressed keen interest on the part of the South African Government to send students to this part of the region in order to broaden their international exposure and experience.

Iranian Ambassador assures financial commitment to AIT

Iranian Ambassador assures financial commitment to AIT

The Ambassador of Iran, H.E. Mr. Mohsen Pak Aein declared the interest on the part of the Iranian Government to AIT's proposed new Charter and also provided assurances of a financial commitment during the meeting with AIT President Said Irandoust and Vice President for Development Ni Ni Thein in Bangkok on 26 April 2007. The Ambassador was earlier briefed by AIT President and Vice President for Development about some recent developments and progress on the new AIT Charter.

AIT President participates in the Nepalese Democracy Day at AIT

AIT President participates in the Nepalese Democracy Day at AIT

On 24 April 2007, AIT Nepalese Society in partnership with the Embassy of Nepal jointly organized the first anniversary celebrations of the people's movement in Nepal with participation of members of the AIT community led by AIT President Said Irandoust, and Mr. Arjun Kant Mainali, Charge d' Affaires, Embassy of Nepal.

Plan for academic partnerships with Boras University

Plan for academic partnerships with Boras University
AIT President Said Irandoust discussed partnership between Boras and AIT with a former colleague from Boras, Dr. Tomas Wahnstrom, Deputy Dean, School of Engineering, who was at AIT last week. Partnerships could include a two-stage master's program, as well as an international engineering bachelor's program with an Asian focus and content for Swedish students, wherein they could spend the last 10 weeks of their studies and conduct their thesis research at AIT.

UNITAR and STWA delegations visit AIT

UNITAR and STWA delegations visit AIT
Mr. Nico Barito, Senior Fellow at the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), who was at AIT last weekend together with Mr. Donald Goh, Board Director of Save the World Air - STWA (, Singapore were warmly welcomed by AIT President Said Irandoust, and Professor Sudip K. Rakshit, Vice President for Research.

Bangkok Post to partner with AIT

Bangkok Post to partner with AIT

On 27 April, AIT President Said Irandoust met with Mr. Umesh Pandey, Editor-Asia Focus, Bangkok Post, discussing various ways in which there could be mutually beneficial partnerships. Some of the possibilities include, study tours for AIT management team and staff to the Bangkok Post and professional support on how to deal with the media, regular communication on AIT initiatives being undertaken in the region to also include the summary of AIT student theses work (two weeks before final defense), and also for AIT to serve as a platform for the setting up of a regional media academy in which the Bangkok Post could take a leading role.

An AIT alumnus edits a book

An AIT alumnus edits a book
Dr. Abdul Samad (Sami) Kazi, an AIT alumnus 1996, and 2004 (School of Civil Engineering), and Chief Research Scientist at VTT - Technical Research Centre of Finland has recently completed editing a book on 'Open Building Manufacturing: Core Concepts and Industrial Requirements'.

Kazi, A.S., Hannus, M., Boudjabeur, S., and Malone, A. (2007) Open Building Manufacturing: Core Concepts and Industrial Requirements, ManuBuild.