
AIT and University of Kalmar, Sweden, sign an MoU

AIT and University of Kalmar, Sweden, sign an MoU
A general Memorandum of Understanding with Kalmar University towards establishing educational relations, research and cooperation between AIT and Kalmar was signed on 20 April 2007 at AIT. The MoU will also enable students to enroll in subjects at the host institution for credit and could be applied towards the degree at the respective home institutions.

Doctoral comprehensive examinations scheduled

Doctoral comprehensive examinations scheduled
Ms. Julaikha Bente Hossain (GDP999861), a candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Gender and Development Studies field of study, School of Environment, Resources and Development (SERD) will have her comprehensive examination on Friday, 11 May 2007, 3:00 p.m. in S101, SERD Building.

10 May: A Preview of the Economics of Knowledge seminar

10 May: A Preview of the Economics of Knowledge seminar

The School of Management is going to organize a seminar on 'A Preview of the Economics of Knowledge' on Thursday, 10 May 2007, 11:00 a.m. in Room 108.

The speaker will be Professor Martin J. Beckmann, emeritus professor of Economic, Brown University in Providence, RI, USA and emeritus professor of Applied Mathematics, Technical University of Munich, Germany.

AIT President has a fruitful trip to Nepal

AIT President has a fruitful trip to Nepal
AIT President, Prof. Said Irandoust had a fruitful trip in Nepal during 16-19 April 2007, which was coordinated by the AIT Alumni Association Chapter in Nepal, lead by its President, Mr. Ramesh Bista together with Mr. Suraj Vaidya, President and CEO of VOITH Industries, Nepal (also member of the AIT School of Management Board). Mr. Arjun Kant Mainali, Charge d' Affaires, Embassy of Nepal and the UNEP.RRC.AP Office also assisted in facilitating some of the important meetings.

Lahore College for Women University (LCWU) to establish cooperation and linkage with Gender and Development Studies at AIT

Lahore College for Women University to establish cooperation and linkage with Gender and Development Studies at AIT

As part of a move toward expanding and re-energizing the UNESCO network of Women's Universities, AIT's Gender and Development Studies is to establish a link with Lahore College for Women University (LCWU). Founded in 1922 in Lahore, Pakistan as Lahore College for Women, this institution that gained its university charter in 2002, has a mission to serve the female population of Pakistan and hence the nation through the dissemination of knowledge, the development of new knowledge, the preservation of knowledge.

AIT to sign MoU to launch DBA program in India

AIT to sign MoU to launch DBA program in India

Prof. Said Irandoust, AIT President, has been invited to serve as Chief Guest in the MoU signing ceremony between AIT and Pearl School of Business which will take place in New Delhi on 30 April 2007. Professor I.M. Pandey, Dean, School of Management will also be accompanying him to this event, which will see the launch of the Doctor of Business Administration DBA in India, by the Pearl School of Business in partnership with AIT. Representatives from the media and industry persons have also been invited to the event.