
More companies enlist to AIT Career Center Fair

More companies enlist to AIT Career Center Fair

Twenty eight confirmed companies and more to sign up are joining the upcoming Career Fair slated on 29-30 March at the AIT Conference Center. Not only are they representing multinationals from Thailand, a number of them come from Japan, India, and Hongkong as follows:

General Motors (Thailand) Limited
SYSystem Co. Ltd.

SET organizes Geothermal Heat Pump seminar

SET organizes Geothermal Heat Pump seminar

The Geosytem Exploration and Petroleum Geoengineering, School of Engineering and Technology, AIT, will organize GEOTHERMAL HEAT PUMP (GHP): NECESSITY FROM ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENERGY ASPECTS AND APPLICATIONS IN EAST ASIA Seminar by Dr. Kasumi YASUKAWA, Senior Scientist/Geophysicist, Geological Survey of Japan (AIST), Japan, on Friday, 16 March 2007, from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. at Room N240, SET building.

AIT-Finland Collaboration in Education and Training Project continues with a Euro 3.1 Million Finnish Government Support

AIT-Finland Collaboration in Education and Training Project continues with a Euro 3.1 Million Finnish Government Support
AIT and the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs have agreed to the continuation of “AIT-Finland Collaboration in Education and Training” project with the support coming from the Finnish Government worth more than Euro 3.1 Million (about 144 Million Baht).The agreement was signed on 26 February 2007 for the 2007-2009 project phase, including faculty secondments and scholarships.

AIT faculty, alumnus, submit a doctoral dissertation to the Royal Development Projects on

AIT faculty, alumnus, submit a doctoral dissertation to the Royal Development Projects on Vetiver Grass Promotion
Associate Professor Dr. Pichai Nimityongskul of the Structural Engineering Field of Study, School of Engineering and Technology (SET), AIT, together with Dr. Thammanoon Hengsadeekul, an AIT alumnus, on 20 February 2007, presented Mr. Sompol Phanmanee, Secretary-General of the Royal Development Projects Board, the dissertation on “Utilization of Vetiver Grass in Construction Materials” for the use of the Royal Development Projects on Vetiver Grass promotion.

Gender workshop further strengthens gender related aspects across AIT

Gender workshop further strengthens gender related aspects across AIT

On 22 February 2007, a gender workshop for the AIT administration was held and facilitated by Ms. Nelien Haspels, Senior Gender Specialist, ILO subregional office for East Asia. The workshop was part of a series for members of the administration, schools and units to further strengthen gender related aspects across AIT and create greater awareness and understanding.