
Indian Ambassador visits AIT

Indian Ambassador visits AIT

H.E. Ms. Vijaya Latha Reddy, Ambassador of India to Thailand and AIT trustee visited AIT on 13 February, and was accompanied by Mr. Abhijit Chakravertty, Counsellor (information and culture). Ambassador Reddy met with members of the administration, Indian faculty, and representatives of the staff and students.

Myanmar promotional trip sets further collaboration

Myanmar promotional trip sets further collaboration

An AIT delegation led by AIT President Said Irandoust and Dr. Khin Ni Ni Thein, Vice President for Development and Resources, came back from the Myanmar promotional trip with successful achievements through the AIT Day Seminar and the meetings for collaboration with government agencies, universities, and private sector in Myanmar.

Alumni interface service launched

Alumni interface service launched

The Student Office and the Student Union have launched the alumni interface service at the CareerCenter@AIT which is available at:

By using the interface facility, alumni can now store their resumes online and receive regular alerts on available jobs, assistantships as well as internships.

Government of Taipei City appoints AIT alumnus Deputy Mayor

Government of Taipei City appoints AIT alumnus Deputy Mayor

The Government of Taipei city recently appoints Mr. Chung-Yih Lin, an AIT alumnus of water resources engineering in 1975, as Deputy Mayor. His appointment took effect on 13 February 2007.

Mr. Chung-Yih Lin is also known to his fellow alumni as he served as Executive Supervisor and Past President of AIT Alumni Association-Taiwan Chapter.

AIT continues to assist NUOL for the second phase of Sida/SAREC

AIT continues to assist NUOL for the second phase of Sida/SAREC

AIT continues to assist National University of Laos (NUOL) during the envisaged second phase of Sida/SAREC from 2007 to 2010. AIT's assistance will be in the areas of research & financial management, curriculum development, and ICT. There will also be provision of a number of scholarships to AIT from NUOL. The discussion on this matter was mentioned at a meeting between Prof.

AIT discusses partnership with University of Kalmar

AIT discusses partnership with University of Kalmar

Prof. William Hogland, Professor in Environmental Engineering, Department of Technology, University of Kalmar, Sweden, visited AIT for a few days to follow up on AIT's earlier discussions to partner with the University of Kalmar, which is launching a new international program in eco-cyclic systems for environmental engineers.