
Logo competition for Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Knowledge Hub project

Logo competition for Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Knowledge Hub project

AIT & United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) are organizing a logo competition for the ongoing 3RKH (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Knowledge Hub) project.

Theme: (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) Knowledge Hub or 3RKH

Brief Introduction to 3RKH project:

What are the 3Rs?

Reduce: reducing the amount of waste by increasing the efficiency of resource use and extending the useful life of products

Reuse: using 'recyclable resources' form used items again, as products or parts, after giving them proper treatment

Recyclee: using 'recyclable resources' as raw materials to make new products

To develop proactive facilitation for 3R implementation, a knowledge hub on 3R was established.

Opening of call for experts

Opening of call for experts

The Joint Implementation Accreditation Panel is launching a second public call for experts to supplement the rosters of experts for assessment team members under the accreditation procedure.

Experts having an experience in accreditation, management system auditing, and/or baseline setting and monitoring for projects, are particularly encouraged to apply.

Social Security announcements

Social Security announcements

Members of Social Security please obtain your 2007 Social Security card from Human Resources Office (HRO).

Those who would like to change their registered hospitals and have not confirmed the change yet, please contact HRO within 15 January 2007 for confirmation.

First UNU diplomas awarded

First UNU diplomas awarded

The e-learning diploma program in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) which started in September 2005 has successfully completed with a pilot batch of 11 participants from Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Lao P.D.R., Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam.

Clean Development Mechanism workshop proceedings published

Clean Development Mechanism workshop proceedings published

The proceedings of the Second Extended Regional Workshop on Capacity Development on Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) containing 24 papers has been published. The regional workshop was organized by AIT and sponsored by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Risoe Centre on Energy, Climate Change and Sustainable Development (URC) as a part of the project titled 'Capacity Development for Clean Development Mechanism' (CD4CDM), for which AIT served as the regional center in Asia.

Swedish research council calls for proposals

Swedish research council calls for proposals

The research council Formas and Sida/SAREC will fund a two-year program to promote participation of Swedish scientists in sustainability research in developing countries. The overall intention is to contribute to global sustainable development in the spirit of the United Nations Conference in Johannesburg 2002. The program will start 1 July 2007 and have 10 million SEK per year, with Formas and Sida/SAREC contributing equal shares.

New databases now available

New databases now available

SpringerLink database and WorldSciNet database (Computer Science only) from World Scientific are now available for the AIT community.

SpringerLink provides interactive databases for high-quality publications in science, technology and medicine.

Conference calls for papers

Conference calls for papers

The University Support to Environmental Planning and Management project (USEPAM –
at Regional and Rural Development Program, School of Environment, Resources and Development will organize a regional conference on 'Environmental Planning and Management in Southeast Asian Countries' in Hanoi, Vietnam, during 6-8 March 2007.

The specific objectives of the conference are: 1) to facilitate the exchange of experiences gained in and lessons learned from regionally coordinated capacity building projects implemented for strengthening multidisciplinary curricula, outreach activities and applied research capacity in the area of environmental planning and management amongst academicians, policymakers, planners and international development agencies in the region who are carrying out same or similar projects; 2) to provide a forum to researchers as well as planners and policymakers for presenting results of and methodological experiences in research projects; for sharing lessons learned through implementation of environmental management policies; for discussing the policy implications of the findings of the research projects; and for seeking policy oriented research issues.