
AIT sponsors ICT conference

AIT sponsors ICT conference

The 3rd ENGAGE ICT Research Collaboration Conference will take place at the Conrad Hotel in Bangkok 29-31 January 2007 to bring together Southeast Asian and European researchers from academia and industry to establish new partnerships and promote opportunities for joint research initiatives.

Batch 106 Awardees

Batch 106 Awardees
Batch 106 produced four outstanding graduates who were presented with respective graduation prizes on 15 December 2006 as follows:

The John A. Hrones and the AITAA Prize

Batch 106's John A. Hrones Prize and the AIT Alumni Association (AITAA) Prize recipient is Mr. Panupong Piyawongsomboon (left) in recognition of outstanding academic performance in the field of Management of Technology and for most outstanding academic performance among graduating students in each of the Schools, respectively.

Japanese university dean, faculty, visit SET

From left: Dr. Ko Ikejima, Dr. Mukand S. Babel, Dr. Mohd Rizon Mohamed Juhari, Prof. Haruaki Yamazaki, Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai, Prof. Yoshihiko Suzuki, Prof. Tawatchai Tingsanchali and Mr. Osamu Mizukami

Japanese university dean, faculty, visit SET

Members of faculty of Engineering and Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Medicine and Engineering of Yamanashi University, Japan, led by Dean Yoshihiko Suzuki visited the School of Engineering and Technology (SET) on 12 December 2006 to discuss collaboration with SET and other schools on an international dual education system for a doctoral program on river basin management.

AIT president addresses Shivaji University graduation

AIT president addresses Shivaji University graduation

On 8 December 2006, AIT President Said Irandoust, delivered a guest-of-honor speech to graduates at the 43rd Convocation of Shivaji University (SU) in Kolhapur, India. It was the first time in 44 years of history of Shivaji University, a president from a foreign university was invited as the chief guest.

AIT plans new programs

AIT plans new programs

At the Year-end Institute Forum held on 12 December, AIT President Said Irandoust said AIT plans to open a variety of new programs. These new programs include master's in Sustainable Development; master's in Disaster Mitigation and Management (to be offered by School of Engineering and Technology and School of Environment, Resources and Development); MBA in Energy Industry; a 15-month MBA based in Bangkok (modular teaching in India, China and Korea); a two-stage master's of science with Western universities; a police education program with University College of Boras; and a dual-degree program in Computer Science with Technical University of Catalonia, UPC, Spain.