
Support sought for science-based fund-raising activities

Support sought for science-based fund-raising activities

The AIT Golden Jubilee Fundraising Campaign consists of many activities and events. Two thematic areas, water and carbon trade, are among the activities. Those interested to support these two 'science-based fundraising activities' please contact Dr. Khin Ni Ni Thein, vice president for development and resources, who requests assistance, ownership and intellectual contribution to tap the water for all and to roll the carbon snowball.

Logo competition for Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Knowledge Hub project

Logo competition for Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Knowledge Hub project

AIT & United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) are organizing a logo competition for the ongoing 3RKH (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Knowledge Hub) project.

Theme: (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) Knowledge Hub or 3RKH

Brief Introduction to 3RKH project:

What are the 3Rs?

Reduce: reducing the amount of waste by increasing the efficiency of resource use and extending the useful life of products

Reuse: using 'recyclable resources' form used items again, as products or parts, after giving them proper treatment

Recyclee: using 'recyclable resources' as raw materials to make new products

To develop proactive facilitation for 3R implementation, a knowledge hub on 3R was established.

Conference extends call for papers deadline

Conference extends call for papers deadline

As a response to the many requests received, the Organizing Committee of the 11th World Multi-conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics in Orlando, Florida, U.S.A., from 8-11 July 2007), has decided to extend the deadline for papers/abstracts submissions, as well as for invited sessions proposals.

Korean Air and Asiana Airlines offer special discount rates for AIT students

Korean Air and Asiana Airlines offer special discount rates for AIT students
Korean Air (Bangkok-Seoul)

10% discount from the market price (more than 60% discount from the regular price)
contact person – Ms. Warraporn Tel. 0-2207-0985

Asiana Airline (Bangkok-Seoul)

For students age under 31 - 15,200 baht (one year)
For students age over 31 – 20,000 baht (one year)
Contact person – Ms. Bongkot, Commercial Manager Tel.

Opening of call for experts

Opening of call for experts

The Joint Implementation Accreditation Panel is launching a second public call for experts to supplement the rosters of experts for assessment team members under the accreditation procedure.

Experts having an experience in accreditation, management system auditing, and/or baseline setting and monitoring for projects, are particularly encouraged to apply.