
Opening of call for experts

Opening of call for experts

The Joint Implementation Accreditation Panel is launching a second public call for experts to supplement the rosters of experts for assessment team members under the accreditation procedure.

Experts having an experience in accreditation, management system auditing, and/or baseline setting and monitoring for projects, are particularly encouraged to apply.

Conference calls for papers

Conference calls for papers

The University Support to Environmental Planning and Management project (USEPAM –
at Regional and Rural Development Program, School of Environment, Resources and Development will organize a regional conference on 'Environmental Planning and Management in Southeast Asian Countries' in Hanoi, Vietnam, during 6-8 March 2007.

The specific objectives of the conference are: 1) to facilitate the exchange of experiences gained in and lessons learned from regionally coordinated capacity building projects implemented for strengthening multidisciplinary curricula, outreach activities and applied research capacity in the area of environmental planning and management amongst academicians, policymakers, planners and international development agencies in the region who are carrying out same or similar projects; 2) to provide a forum to researchers as well as planners and policymakers for presenting results of and methodological experiences in research projects; for sharing lessons learned through implementation of environmental management policies; for discussing the policy implications of the findings of the research projects; and for seeking policy oriented research issues.

AIT sponsors ICT conference

AIT sponsors ICT conference

The 3rd ENGAGE ICT Research Collaboration Conference will take place at the Conrad Hotel in Bangkok 29-31 January 2007 to bring together Southeast Asian and European researchers from academia and industry to establish new partnerships and promote opportunities for joint research initiatives.

USAID, AIT launch community learning center

USAID, AIT launch community learning center in Ranong as part of tsunami recovery
RANONG – Thai and U.S. government officials, community members, and private sector representatives gathered in Ranong’s Suk Samron subdistrict on 12 December to inaugurate the Kamphuan Community Learning Center and commemorate the second anniversary of the December 2004 tsunami.

AIT holds 106th graduation

AIT holds 106th graduation
On 15 December 2006, AIT held the 106th Graduation Ceremony to 160 students from 19 countries at the AIT Conference Center. AIT President Said Irandoust presided over the ceremony. Dr. Tej Bunnag, the newly appointed chairman of the AIT Board of Trustees, delivered the graduation address.

USAID, AIT launch community learning center

USAID, AIT launch community learning center in Ranong as part of tsunami recovery
RANONG – Thai and U.S. government officials, community members, and private sector representatives gathered in Ranong’s Suk Samron subdistrict on 12 December to inaugurate the Kamphuan Community Learning Center and commemorate the second anniversary of the December 2004 tsunami.

AIT holds 106th graduation

AIT holds 106th graduation
On 15 December 2006, AIT held the 106th Graduation Ceremony to 160 students from 19 countries at the AIT Conference Center. AIT President Said Irandoust presided over the ceremony. Dr. Tej Bunnag, the newly appointed chairman of the AIT Board of Trustees, delivered the graduation address.

AIT Industry/Job Fair

AIT Industry/Job Fair draws students, alumni

The AIT Industry/Job Fair, which was held 24 November 2006 lured AIT students, and alumni, as well as students from other universities. Organized twice a year to strengthen the link between industry and academia, the event this time marked the launching of the AIT Career Center.