
AIT students invited to Bangkok Opera’s season opener

AIT students invited to Bangkok Opera's season opener

The Bangkok Opera's Maestro Somtow Sucharitkul is offering free tickets to AIT students. About 80 tickets are offered for the performance of 'Ayodhya' on November 19, 8 p.m. Those attending will assemble in front of the AIT Center, and buses will leave at 5 p.m.

'Ayodhya' is called 'a Ramayana for the 21st century.

AIT spends 10.5 million baht on energy in 3rd quarter

AIT spends 10.5 million baht on energy in 3rd quarter

For the third quarter of 2006, AIT has spent 10.5 million baht on energy bills. The top 10 energy users account for 20 percent, or 2.09 million baht, of the total bill. The biggest two schools, School of Environment, Resources and Development and School of Engineering and Technology, are the biggest consumers accounting for 54 percent of the total used by all 10 users.

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ARRPET II Annual Review Workshop 2006

From left: Prof. Ajit P Annachhatre-Coordinator, ARRPET II, Dr. Anders Granlund, Sida Regional Advisor, SENSA, Prof. Peter Haddawy, Vice President- Academic Affairs, Prof. S. Kumar, Dean, SERD

ARRPET II Annual Review Workshop 2006

The Asian Regional Research Program on Environmental Technology Phase II (ARRPET II) held its Annual Review Workshop during 6-8 November 2006 at the AIT Conference Center.

SERD professor publishes book

SERD professor publishes book

School of Environment, Resources and Development's Prof. Vilas M. Salokhe and Ajay K. Sharma have coauthored 'Greenhouse: Technology and Applications,' published by the Agrotech Publishing Academy, Udaipur, India.

The book deals with greenhouse technology, cultivation and applications.

Ambassadors of Austria, Bhutan view photo exhibition at AIT

H.E. Mr. Arno Riedel (left), Austrian Ambassador to Thailand, H.E. Mr. Singye Dorjee (center), Ambassador of Bhutan, with Prof. Khin Ni Ni Thein (right), AIT vice president for development and resources are viewing the photo exhibition.

Ambassadors of Austria, Bhutan views photo exhibition at AIT

On 9 November 2006, H.E. Mr. Arno Riedel, ambassador of Austria to Thailand, accompanied by Mrs.

SERD professor publishes book

SERD professor publishes book

School of Environment, Resources and Development's Prof. Vilas M. Salokhe and Ajay K. Sharma have coauthored 'Greenhouse: Technology and Applications,' published by the Agrotech Publishing Academy, Udaipur, India.

The book deals with greenhouse technology, cultivation and applications.