
AIT has new online application system

AIT has new online application system
Prof. Peter Haddawy, vice president for academic affairs, announced this week that it is now possible for applicants to submit their applications electronically. The online application system includes a facility for the references to submit their letters of recommendation online as well.


AIT Welcomes New Trustees and New Members of the Executive Committee
Professor Shinichiro OhgakiProfessor and Former Dean, School of Engineering, University of TokyoVice Chairman of the Board Mr. Han Tae-KyuAmbassador of the Republic of KoreaTrustee http://www.

Asia-Link Symposium to be held in November

Asia-Link Symposium to be held in November

The Asia-Link Symposium Organizing Committee invites interested persons to participate in the Asia-Link Symposium in Bangkok on 10 November 2006. The Symposium, which will gather 150-200 key higher education stakeholders from Asia and the European Union (EU), will provide a platform for high-level dialogue and an opportunity to learn about EU supporting mechanisms and programmes.

EEM holds annual review workshop

EEM holds annual review workshop

The Environmental Engineering and Management (EEM) field of study will hold an Annual Review Workshop on 'Asian Regional Research Programme on Environmental Technology Phase II (ARRPET II)' on 6-9 November 2006 at AIT.

'Asian Regional Research Programme on Environmental Technology Phase II (ARRPET II)', coordinated by AIT, is funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). ARRPET involves 18 National Research Institutions (NRIs) in 8 Asian countries, namely, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Photographs from Bhutan on display

Photographs from Bhutan on display

An exhibition by Austrian photographer, Josef Polleross, featuring images of the 'Land of the Thunder Dragon,' scenic and people's photographs from the Kingdom of Bhutan, is on display at the AIT Conference Center for the public for free of charge now until 13 November 2006.

Born in Horn, Lower Austria, in 1963, Mr. Polleross moved to New York in 1982 to complete a one-year internship for black and white custom printing and worked as a printer until 1987. He started work as a freelance photographer in 1987 and was represented by the photo agency JB-Pictures in New York from 1987-1993.

From 1994-2005, Mr. Polleross has been covering international news in several countries including Thailand where he moved to Bangkok in 2005 and now has assignments in Thailand, Bhutan, Cambodia and Laos.

Conference calls for papers

Conference calls for papers

The University Support to Environmental Planning and Management project (USEPAM –
at Regional and Rural Development Program, School of Environment, Resources and Development will organize a regional conference on 'Environmental Planning and Management in Southeast Asian Countries' in Hanoi, Vietnam, during 6-8 March 2007.

The specific objectives of the conference are: 1) to facilitate the exchange of experiences gained in and lessons learned from regionally coordinated capacity building projects implemented for strengthening multidisciplinary curricula, outreach activities and applied research capacity in the area of environmental planning and management amongst academicians, policymakers, planners and international development agencies in the region who are carrying out same or similar projects; 2) to provide a forum to researchers as well as planners and policymakers for presenting results of and methodological experiences in research projects; for sharing lessons learned through implementation of environmental management policies; for discussing the policy implications of the findings of the research projects; and for seeking policy oriented research issues.

Workshop focuses on Sustainable Land Management, National Capacity Self-Assessment

Workshop focuses on Sustainable Land Management, National Capacity Self-Assessment

The Global Environment Facility (GEF), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP)/SLM Portfolio Project for Least Developed Countries (LDCs)/Small Island Developing States (SIDS), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)/National Capacity Self-Assessment program and the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) are organizing a regional workshop onSustainable Land Management (SLM) and National Capacity Self-Assessment (NCSA) on 20-23 November 2006 at the AIT Conference Center.