
SU Campus and Environment Committee reports

SU Campus and Environment Committee reports

The Student Union Campus and Environment Committee informed the AIT community of some steps that the committee has taken for the better interest of the residents and the students. The following activities have been implemented:

Installation of complaint/suggestion box - To keep the SU Campus and Environment Committee informed about certain facts which the committee has missed or needs attention, a number of complaint/suggestion box are installed in different places.

Swimming pool closed half hour earlier

Swimming pool closed half hour earlier

The Safety, Security and Sports Unit announced that due to inclement weather condition these days, the swimming pool will be closed at 6:30 p.m., a half hour earlier than the regular 7 p.m. The new swimming pool schedule is from 6 a.m. to 6:30 pm which will be implemented until further notice.

Construction of walkway opposite Gate 2 to start soon

Construction of walkway opposite Gate 2 to start soon

After a formal endorsement was received from Thammasat University, the Infrastructure Office can now proceed with the construction of a walkway across the boundary of AIT and TU (linking the AIT local road with TU local road) opposite AIT Gate 2.

Many AITians, especially those who live on campus, will benefit from this new development.

Job vacancies

Job vacancies
Aquaculture & Aquatic Resources Management, School of Environment, Resources & Development, is looking for a Project Research Associate (Ref. No. 029) for the EU funded Shrimp Farm Best Management Practices project, reporting to Dr. Dhirendra Thakur, the project Principal Investigator (PI).

Deadline of Application is: 25 October 2006.

AIT is partnering with Network of Aquaculture Centers in Asia Pacific (NACA) in conducting a project on capacity building of small-scale shrimp farmers in Thailand on best management practices.

SET to launch new Software Engineering program

SET to launch new Software Engineering program

In order to help address the region’s growing need for software development specialists, the School of Engineering and Technology’s Computer Science and Information Management program is launching a new master’s degree in Computer Science with a specialization in Software Engineering.

Administration’s leadership evaluated

Administration's leadership evaluated

The institute has embarked on a systematic evaluation of its leadership and administration toward bringing about continuous improvement in its performance. In this context guidelines and procedures for the performance evaluation of the president, vice presidents, school deans, AIT Extension director and administrative office heads have now been developed and sent through an e-mail by AIT President Said Irandoust.

SET faculty members in top 25 articles of journals

SET faculty members in top 25 articles of journals

Congratulations to Prof. Phan Minh Dung of Computer Science and Information Management, School of Engineering and Technology, whose recent paper has been ranked No. 11 in the list of the 25 most downloaded papers of the Artificial Intelligence Journal for two consecutive quarters of 2006 (Jan-Mar and Apr-June). This is the premier journal of the AI field with an impact factor: 2.638. Here is the link: http://top25.sciencedirect.

AIT alumnus wins an article award

AIT alumnus wins an article award

Congratulations go to Ms. Somphavanh Nakhavong, an AIT alumnus, (RRDP' 2006), whose article on 'Impacts of Rural Access Road Network on Poverty Alleviation in the LAO PDR', was selected as one of two honorable mention submissions for the 2006 United Nations Development Research Award (UNDRA 2006) held in Lao PDR. Her paper was based on her master's thesis supervised by Dr. Mokbul Morshed Ahmad of Regional and Rural Development Planning, School of Environment, Resources and Development.

Deadline for CISSE papers extended

Deadline for CISSE papers extended

Due to numerous deadline extension requests from potential Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education (CISSE) 2006 authors, the CISSE organizing committee has decided to extend the paper submission deadline to 23 October 2006.

Interested persons are invited to submit their work to CISSE 2006 (http://www.

AIT staff can now apply for houses

AIT staff can now apply for houses

The President's Advisory Committee recently resolved to allow staff to apply for houses 1-28.

If a faculty house (this refers to House # 1 - 28, noted by Dr.H. L.Tien, head of Infrastructure) becomes vacant and there is no applicant in the waiting list for that category, Campus Residential Services Unit will open the unit for allocation to interested and staff with confirmed employment with AIT of at least one year.