
Aquaculture hosts Curriculum Development Workshop

Aquaculture hosts Curriculum Development Workshop

The Aquaculture and Aquatic Resources Management organized a Curriculum Development Workshop from 9 to 21 July 2006 at AIT.

A total of 20 instructors (five from each institution) participated from Royal University of Agriculture, Phnom Penh, Cambodia; Tribhuvan University, Institute of Agriculture and Animal Sciences, Rampur, Nepal; Research Institute for Aquaculture No.1 / Hanoi Agricultural University, Hanoi, Vietnam; and the University of Agriculture and Forestry, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Japan, UNESCO offer research fellowships

Japan, UNESCO offer research fellowships

Japan is financing 20 research fellowships for the seventh year in memory of the late Prime Minister of Japan, Keizo Obuchi.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)/Keizo Obuchi Research Fellowships Programme focuses on postgraduate research activities in the following four areas, as identified by late Prime Minister Obuchi: Environment (with particular emphasis on water sciences), intercultural dialogue, information and communication technologies and peaceful conflict resolution.

E.U.-Asian program calls for proposals

E.U.-Asian program calls for proposals

The Asia-Invest II Programme is an initiative by the European Commission to promote and support business cooperation between the European Union and Asia.

The call for proposals 2006-2007 is open, with two deadlines on 7 October 2006 and 9 March 2007.16.75 million euros is available for grant support to partnerships of E.U. and Asian business intermediary organizations, under the components of business meetings and capacity building.

Earthwatch funds research

Earthwatch funds research

Earthwatch's research program welcomes proposals from advanced scholars and professionals of any nationality. The organization is a diverse community of scientists, educators, students, businesspeople and explorers who work together to get the fullest benefit from scientific expeditions.

Asia-Pacific Network invites proposals

Asia-Pacific Network invites proposals

The Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research invites proposals under two separate programs, the ARCP Programme and the Scientific Capacity Building/Enhancement for Sustainable Development Programme , for funding from April 2007.

The organization is an intergovernmental network whose mission is to enable investigation of change in the Earth's life support systems as it occurs in the Asia-Pacific region

Deadline for full proposals is 6 September 2006, midnight, Japanese Standard Time.

Award nominations sought

Award nominations sought

The Development Gateway Foundation is calling for nominations for its third annual Development Gateway Award. The award is for outstanding achievement in the use of information and communication technologies to improve lives in developing countries.

Student Union snack bar re-opens

Student Union snack bar re-opens

The Campus and Environmental Committee of AIT Student Union announced the reopening of SU Snack Bar on Wednesday, 2 August. The new vendor, M/S Darbar Caterer, is experienced in the restaurant business and is expected to provide appropriate service.

Flower shop opens in arcade

Flower shop opens in arcade

A flower shop named Lila Florist, located at Unit C-140 at the AIT Arcade, is now open for business. The shop offers flower arrangement and decoration for all occasions. A variety of colorful decorative plants and artificial flowers are also available in the shop.