
Job vacancies

Job vacancies

Post-doctoral Research Associate needed

Professor Fu-ChunWu at the Department of Bioenvironmental Systems Engineering, National Taiwan University (Taipei, Taiwan) seeks a Post-doctoral Research Associate (starting from August 1, 2006) for a NSC (National Science Council, Taiwan) funded research project on River Morphodynamic Study.

Nation newspaper features intelligent vehicle developed by AIT

Nation newspaper features intelligent vehicle developed by AIT

It may look like an average golf cart, but check behind the wheel of the Mechatronics Laboratory’s intelligent vehicle and there’s no driver.

The project, overseen by School of Engineering and Technology Associate Professor Dr. Manukid Parnichkun, was featured in the 28 July 2006 edition of The Nation newspaper.

Nation newspaper features intelligent vehicle developed by AIT

Nation newspaper features intelligent vehicle developed by AIT

It may look like an average golf cart, but check behind the wheel of the Mechatronics Laboratory’s intelligent vehicle and there’s no driver.

The project, overseen by School of Engineering and Technology Associate Professor Dr. Manukid Parnichkun, was featured in the 28 July 2006 edition of The Nation newspaper.

Prime minister to open engineering conference

Prime minister to open engineering conference

Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra will open the 10th East Asia Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-10) at the InterContinental Hotel on 3 August 2006.

The conference was originally initiated by the Structural Engineering Program Division at the Asian Institute of Technology in 1986. Celebrating the 20th anniversary year, EASEC is returning to Bangkok.

Prime minister to open engineering conference

Prime minister to open engineering conference

Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra will open the 10th East Asia Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-10) at the InterContinental Hotel on 3 August 2006.

The conference was originally initiated by the Structural Engineering Program Division at the Asian Institute of Technology in 1986. Celebrating the 20th anniversary year, EASEC is returning to Bangkok.