
SET group returns from China promotions trip

SET group returns from China promotions trip

From 28 May to 3 June 2006, the School of Engineering and Technology organized a promotion trip to China. The purpose of this trip was promotion of AIT academic offerings for intake of students for the August 2006 semester and to explore the possibility of opening joint AIT programs in China.

Call for fellowships

Call for fellowships

Reference: Bl-BL/60017/EBGCOM_UTM

Instituo de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores do Porto is accepting applications to grant fellowships to graduates, to work in a research project, in the framework of Scientific Research and Technological Development Projects, managed by Science & Technology Foundation, included in the Community Support Framework 2000-2006, supported by European Regional Development Fund, European Science Foundation and the Portuguese State Budget.

Students offered free opera tickets

Students offered free opera tickets

Maestro Somtow Sucharitkul and the Bangkok Opera recently offered the AIT Student Union 100 tickets free for AIT students, recent alumni and their families for Mozart's 'Cosi Fan Tutte.'

The performance will be on Sunday June 25. Visit the AIT Student Union office until lunchtime on Friday for seat and transportation reservations.

Persistent organic pollutants workshop identifies gaps in research, policy

Persistent organic pollutants workshop identifies gaps in research, policy

A workshop on the Asian Regional Programme on persistent organic pollutants (POPs) was held at AIT 31 May and 1 June 2006.

The themes of the workshop included treatment of POPs in developed countries, the state of POPs management in Asian developing countries and the need for further research.

Persistent organic pollutants workshop identifies gaps in research, policy

Persistent organic pollutants workshop identifies gaps in research, policy

A workshop on the Asian Regional Programme on persistent organic pollutants (POPs) was held at AIT 31 May and 1 June 2006.

The themes of the workshop included treatment of POPs in developed countries, the state of POPs management in Asian developing countries and the need for further research.

MacArthur Foundation awards grant to AIT

MacArthur Foundation awards grant to AIT

The Asian Institute of Technology was among 16 recipients of grants totaling US$4.5 million (173 million baht) from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Announced 12 June 2006, the grants promote efforts to protect the biodiversity of the Lower Mekong region.

MacArthur Foundation awards grant to AIT

MacArthur Foundation awards grant to AIT

The Asian Institute of Technology was among 16 recipients of grants totaling US$4.5 million (173 million baht) from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Announced 12 June 2006, the grants promote efforts to protect the biodiversity of the Lower Mekong region.