
Doctoral thesis presented

Doctoral thesis presented
Mr. Watchara Suiadee
(IWC019833), candidate for the degree of Doctor of Engineering in Water Engineering and Management (WEM), School of Engineering and Technology will have his final examination on Thursday, 8 June 2006, from 9 to 11 a.m. in Room WR209 (WEM Meeting Room).

His dissertation's title is 'An Integrated Approach to Real-Time Optimal Operation of an Irrigation Water System: A Case Study for Nam Oon Irrigation Project, Thailand.

SOM dean nominated to corporate board

SOM dean nominated to corporate board

Prof. I.M. Pandey (right), dean of the School of Management has been nominated as a member of the Board of Directors of Indorama Polymers Public Company Limited.

Indorama is a manufacturer of PET Polymers since 1995. Headquartered in Thailand, it was promoted by the APL Group.

SOM dean nominated to corporate board

SOM dean nominated to corporate board

Prof. I.M. Pandey (right), dean of the School of Management has been nominated as a member of the Board of Directors of Indorama Polymers Public Company Limited.

Indorama is a manufacturer of PET Polymers since 1995. Headquartered in Thailand, it was promoted by the APL Group.