
Norway to contribute US$3.1 million

Norway to contribute US$3.1 million

The government of Norway has announced its support of AIT's proposal on 'Education for Sustainable Development' from 2006 to 2009. Total approved support from Norway is NOK 20,000,000 (approximately US$3.1 million). The signing ceremony will be held at AIT on Thursday, 27 April 2006.

The contribution will be used to fund scholarships, Gender and Development Studies and academic networking between Norwegian and regional institutions.

New master’s program soon formalized

New master's program soon formalized

AIT, the Department of Mineral Fuels, Ministry of Energy, Petroleum Institute of Thailand and numerous oil and gas companies are launching the first interdisciplinary Professional Master's of Engineering in Offshore Technology and Management program to be offered by School of Engineering and Technology (SET).

The partners include: PTT Exploration and Production Public Co., Ltd, Chevron Thailand Exploration and Production Ltd.

Plans for Indonesian center progress

Plans for Indonesian center progress

On 17 and 18 April 2006, representatives (above) from Indonesia's Ministry of Public Works visited AIT to follow up the establishment of an AIT center in Indonesia. N

The delegation included: Dr. Sugmin Pranoto, advisor to the minister of Public Works, and Dr. Nana Rukmana, director of the Center for Professional and Technical Construction Development.

Vietnamese delegation discusses short-term training

Vietnamese delegation discusses short-term training

A delegation from Vietnam's Ministry of Agriculture and Department of Science and Technology visited AIT on 11 April 2006.

The delegation included: Dr. Buv Ba Bong, vice minister of Agriculture; Dr. Nguyen Xuan Hoan, vice director, Department of Science and Technology; Dr. Trnh Khae Quang, vice director, Ministry of Agriculture; and Dr. Le Huy Ham, head of Biotechnology Office.

Students asked for yearbook information

Students asked for yearbook information

AIT Student Union is publishing the 'Batch Yearbook' for AIT's 105th graduation, which will be a souvenir for the graduating students. All May 2006 graduating students are encouraged to send details as soon as possible to make the effort a success and to avoid errors.

Papers deadline extended

Papers deadline extended
Due to a number of requests, the Organizing Committee of the World Multi-conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics in Orlando, Florida, U.S.A. 16-19 July 2006 has extended the deadline for papers and abstracts submissions as follows: Abstract/paper draft submissions and invited session proposals: 26 April 2006; authors notification: 17 May; camera-ready, full papers: 31 May.