
Aluminum and packaging company offers prize for sustainability

Aluminum and packaging company offers prize for sustainability

The aluminum and packaging company, Alcan, Inc. and the International Business Leaders Forum have announced a call for entries for the 2006 $1 million Alcan Prize for Sustainability.

The Alcan Prize is open to all nonprofit, non-governmental, and civil-society organizations based anywhere in the world that are working to advance the goals of economic, environmental, and social sustainability.

Institute invites grant proposals

Institute invites grant proposals

The Open Society Institute's Middle East/ North Africa Initiatives program invites grant proposals from organizations around the world in accordance with its project aims. Those aims are to support organizations and their projects that work to foster freedom of expression, access to information, women's rights, the rule of law, local governance and educational reform in the Middle East.

Snooker room opens at Conference Center

Snooker room opens at Conference Center

To bring AIT Conference Center up to the hotel standard and more services to the AIT community and AIT guests, after almost two decades, the snooker room has been brought back. Opened on 4 April, the snooker room features a standard competition table and is open 24 hours.

Doctoral Thesis Presented

Doctoral Thesis Presented
Ms Tatsanee Muangkaew (ID100675), a candidate for the degree of Doctor of Technical Science in Agricultural Systems and Engineering FoS, SERD will have her comprehensive final examination on Monday, 24 April 2006, at 8:30 a.m. in room 216, AFE Bldg.

Sediment management discussed in April workshop

Sediment management discussed in April workshop

A 'Sediment Management Workshop' will be held at the AIT Conference Center 24-25 April 2006.

This workshop is co-sponsored by UNESCO-Headquarters, UNESCO-Jakarta Office, Mekong River Commission, AIT, United Nations University and the International Research and Training Centre for Erosion and Sedimentation.

Sri Lankan visit opens new doors for AIT

Sri Lankan visit opens new doors for AIT

A late-March visit to Colombo resulted in several encouraging toward strengthening AIT's ties with Sri Lanka. Discussions on a two-year project on sustainable development in tsunami-affected areas are under way; a two-week training program in May could draw as many as 15 Sri Lankan officials; and as many as 30 master's and 25 short-term scholarships may be made available to AIT students.

AIT research and training online update

AIT research and training online update

The office of the vice president research will be issuing a bimonthly AIT research and training update in electronic version. The update will include all aspects of research and training activities that are on going or developing at AIT. The update will also include new projects and training programs that are registered at the Sponsored and Contracted Projects Unit.