
Gopi Krishna becomes new Campus Residential Service Unit Officer

Gopi Krishna becomes new Campus Residential Service Unit Officer

The Infrastructure Office announced that the Campus Residential Service Unit will take on a new leadership in the person of Mr. Gopi Khrisna effective 1 April 2006


Mr. Gopi Krishna has over eight years of progressive experience, having worked for both corporate and academic institutions in all phases of administration and project management.

Urban safety papers sought

Urban safety papers sought

Urban Safety Arena For Exchange, a worldwide knowledge and practice exchange arena for urban safety, invites all students and young professionals involved in urban safety work and education to take part in sharing experience or proposals that will be distributed worldwide.

Recent incidents prompt safety and security concerns

Recent incidents prompt safety and security concerns
Dr. H. L. Tien, head of Infrastructure informed the AIT community about the recent unfortunate happenings on campus and requests for cooperation and vigilance so that they may not happen again.

One evening, while a woman was taking a walk on campus, a pet dog owned by one of the residents suddenly attacked her.

Sida to fund Wetlands Alliance Programme

Sida to fund Wetlands Alliance Programme

AIT and the government of Sweden will sign an agreement this week that brings in more than 224 million baht for the Wetlands Alliance Programme.

The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency will support AIT's proposal for the program that ensures improved sustainability of wetlands, livelihoods and food security for the poor in the Mekong Region

AIT, together with three other partners, the WorldFish Center, World Wildlife Federation-International and the Coastal Resources Institute of the Prince of Songkla University will carry out the program through December 2008.

Total approved support from Sweden is SEK 44,750,000. The signing ceremony will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday, 5 April 2006 at the Swedish Embassy in Bangkok.

Former faculty members pass away

Former faculty members pass away

The AIT community expresses its deepest regrets to the sad demise of former AIT faculty members Prof. Arthur N. L. Chiu and Dr. S. L. Upasena, who passed away recently.

Prof. Arthur N.L. Chiu

Prof. Arthur Chiu, a friend of AIT for almost 40 years, suffered a stroke on the evening of Friday, 27 January 2006 and passed away the following Monday, 30 January 2006. He was born in 1929


Dr. Chiu was a professor of structural engineering and chairman of the structures division at AIT's predecessor, the South East Asia Treaty Organization's Graduate School of Engineering from 1966 to 1968. Dr. Chiu was originally from Singapore, and this was his first return to Asia since leaving for college in 1948


During his time at the graduate school of engineering, Dr. Chiu taught graduate courses in indeterminate structures, modal analysis, computer applications and supervised research in structural engineering.

Student Union organizes Academics Week

Student Union organizes Academics Week

The AIT Student Union will organize the Academics Week from 3 to 6 April 2006. The event includes Inter-Country Quiz Competition at the following locations:

Preliminary Round (3 April) - SU Café, from 6 to 9 p.m.
Final Round - Milton E. Bender Auditorium, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The competition welcomes three members per team, each consisting of different nationalities.