
Princess to preside over 24 May graduation

Princess to preside over 24 May graduation

AIT President Prof. Said Irandoust announced this week that Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn will preside over a single graduation ceremony on Wednesday, 24 May 2006 .

The Princess is an honorary faculty member and alumna of AIT. She has kindly consented to preside over the forthcoming 105th AIT Graduation Ceremony and to confer degrees upon the graduating students.

eLearning Project initiatives take shape

eLearning Project initiatives take shape

The School of Management eLearning Project team lead by Dr. Sundar Venkatesh, met with Vice President for Academic Affairs Prof. Peter Haddawy recently.

The team included Dr. Ulrich Bernath and Mr. Axel Kleinschmidth, from the Center for Distance Education, Carl von Ossietzky of the University of Oldenburg, Germany.

Israeli ambassador talks of opportunities to cooperate

H.E. Ms. Yael Rubinstein (above right), ambassador of Israel to Thailand visited AIT on 23 March 2006.

Israeli ambassador talks of opportunities to cooperate

AIT's president, vice president for research and the deans of schools welcomed the ambassador to AIT. Ambassador Rubinstein her delight to know about the various program offered at AIT. The ambassador also mentioned that she was impressed by the internationality of AIT, which is not experienced in other academic institutions in other parts of the world.

External Relations looking bright

External Relations looking bright

The External Relations and Communications Office had a busy week forging new relationships with representatives from Thai and international organizations and governments:

Chulachomklao Military Academy -- A delegation from the Chulachomklao Military Academy visited AIT on 24 March 2006, to sign an agreement collaborating in the fields of joint research activities, training, exchange of faculty members for research, lectures and discussions.

Aquaculture and Aquatic Resources Management gets acting coordinator

Aquaculture and Aquatic Resources Management gets acting coordinator
Prof. Sivanappan Kumar, dean of the School of Environment, Resources and Development, appointed Dr. Amararatne Yakupitiyage as acting coordinator of Aquaculture and Aquatic Resources Management field of study, effective 15 March 2006. His appointment followed the recommendations of the faculty members in that field of study.