
Tsunami Safeguards

Tsunami Safeguards Overwhelmed by the devastation wrought by the December 2004 tsunami, coastal dwellers along the Andaman Sea and the Indian Ocean are now focusing attention on safeguards against such dangers. For example, the Bangkok Post (16 October 2005) reported that there has been a boom in construction of seawalls along the Andaman coast.

Tsunami Safeguards

Tsunami Safeguards Overwhelmed by the devastation wrought by the December 2004 tsunami, coastal dwellers along the Andaman Sea and the Indian Ocean are now focusing attention on safeguards against such dangers. For example, the Bangkok Post (16 October 2005) reported that there has been a boom in construction of seawalls along the Andaman coast.

Prof. Irandoust to address 34th AITAA GBM

Prof. Irandoust to address 34th AITAA GBM
Prof. Said Irandoust, AIT President will be attending and addressing the 34th annual AIT Alumni Governing Board Meeting to be held on 29
November to 4 December 2005, in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Prof. Irandoust will address the meeting by giving a talk on 'The Way Forward for AIT' (Powerpoint Presentation), (PDF File).

A seminar on 'Recent Developments on Mitigation of Natural Disasters, Urban Transportation, and Construction Industry' is being held in conjunction with the Alumni Governing Board Meeting.

Prof. Irandoust to address 34th AITAA GBM

Prof. Irandoust to address 34th AITAA GBM
Prof. Said Irandoust, AIT President will be attending and addressing the 34th annual AIT Alumni Governing Board Meeting to be held on 29
November to 4 December 2005, in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Prof. Irandoust will address the meeting by giving a talk on 'The Way Forward for AIT' (Powerpoint Presentation), (PDF File).

A seminar on 'Recent Developments on Mitigation of Natural Disasters, Urban Transportation, and Construction Industry' is being held in conjunction with the Alumni Governing Board Meeting.

AITCS opens registration for Jan 2006

AITCS opens registration for Jan 2006

The AIT Community School (AITCS) opens its registration of children for admission to the January 2006 term from 28 Nov. - 9 Dec. 2005.

Please contact the school coordinators for the application forms. Mrs. Neerja, at room No. 111 (for Pre-Kindergarten Section) and Mrs.