News lists two GTE articles in top 25 lists two GTE articles in top 25

Two of GTE/SCE articles , 'Hydraulic Behaviour of Geosynthetic and Granular Landfill Drainage Materials in the Sakaeo Landfill, Thailand' by D.P. Jaisi, U. Glawe, and D.T. Bergado; and 'A Case Study of Geotextile-Reinforced Embankment on Soft Ground' by D.T. Bergado, P.V. Long, and B.R. Murthy Srinivasa which were published in the Geotextiles and Geomembranes Journal are among the top 25 most downloaded articles on ScienceDirect.

DAAD Offers Special Scholarships, Research Grants and Research Stays

DAAD Offers Special Scholarships, Research Grants and Research Stays

With the increase of earthquakes, floods, civil conflicts, health risks etc., international awareness of disaster preparedness is growing. Qualified experts are needed in many fields to avoid catastrophes and conflicts and to mitigate their effects on the population, the environment, and the economy.

GDS Call for Applications

GDS Call for Applications

The Gender & Development Studies (GDS) at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) invites applications for scholarships for Master of Science (MSc) degrees in Gender and Development Studies with specialization in 'Gender, Environment and Development.

Utility Problems? Call 5987, 5818

Utility Problems? Call 5987, 5818

In order to better serve the AIT community, staff can now report complaints related to repair and maintenance of any nature (building facilities, telephone, aircon, water, etc.) directly to the following hotline numbers:

For residential buildings (faculty, staff and students), please call ext.

SERD joins BioThailand 2005

SERD joins BioThailand 2005

Prof. Chongrak Polprasert and Prof. Athapol Noomhorm recently led staff, and students at the Bio Thailand 2005: Challenges in the 21st Century exhibition. The event was held from 2-5 Nov. 2005 at the Queen Sirikit National Convention Center.

Seminars, Workshops and Conferences

Seminars, Workshops and Conferences
14 November 2005: National level energy and emission scenarios development for
Thailand seminar will be conducted by Dr. Sunil Malla, Senior Research Specialist, Energy Field of Study, SERD. The seminar will be held at 2:00 p.m. in Room ET 238, Energy Building.

Visiting AIT

H. E. Mr. Yevgeny V. Afanasiev (left), Russian Federation Ambassador and Prof. Said Irandoust, AIT President

Visiting AIT

On 01 November 2005, H. E. Mr. Yevgeny V. Afanasiev, Ambassador of the Federation of Russia to Thailand and Mr. Anatoly I. Bolotov, First Secretary of the Embassy of Russian Federation to Thailand visited AIT. During the visit, they were welcomed by Prof.

AIT joins GTS ’05

AIT joins GTS 05

The 8th German Technology Symposium & Exhibition (GTS '05) is being held at the Queen Sirikit National Convention Center from 8 - 12 November. AIT is participating in this forum and will have a booth (No. 328 in the Plenary Hall) displaying AIT's research output and education and training programs.