
Seminar at AIT

Seminar at AIT

A seminar on Influence of Post-normal Science on Engineering Practise entitled From Positivistic Industrialization to Risk Assessment and Adaptive Management will be conducted by Prof. Poul Harremoes, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Technical University of Denmark.

Visiting AIT

On January 24, 2003, a delegation from the City and Regional Planning and Regional, University of North Sumatera Medan, Indonesia visited AIT.

The visit is aimed at making a comparative study in the area of in regional planning and city planning.

AIT conducts studies with BIOTEC

AIT conducts studies with BIOTEC

The Aquaculture Program, SERD, Asian Institute of Technology recently signed an agreement with BIOTEC to conduct a study and project on aquaculture. The studies will be conducted by Dr. Amrit Bart and Dr. Yang Yi.

Pangasius gigas or Mekong giant catfish, one target species for the cryopreservation research (photos courtesy of Dr. Graham C. Mair)

Dr. Amrit Bart will conduct a study on 'Cryogenic preservation of threatened Pangasiid catfishes in Thailand'. The Pangasiid catfish indigenous to the Thai waters, while threatened from various courses with numbers dwindling rapidly, also represent opportunity as prime candidate species for aquaculture.

AIT Community School’s Sports Day

AIT Community School's Sports Day

Screaming, shouting, cheering and laughter spreaded all over the playing field behind the Administration building on January 24, 2003 at the AIT Community School?s Annual Sports Day 2003. The event aims to educate young pupil through the use of the body and its movement and to develop physical competence.