AIT inaugurates office for US$1.5 mil program at Balkh University, Afghanistan

The AIT team in traditional Afghani robes.The Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) took a major step forward today (11 March 2008) with its plan to assist the development of higher education in Afghanistan, inaugurating a branch office at Balkh University (BU) to manage its recently signed US$ 1.5 million University Partnership Program to assist the Faculty of Engineering at Balkh University.

AIT, Norwegian Electricity Cooperation and Vietnam Electricity sign MOU for international Executive MBA scholarships, and more

Mr. Ragnar Soegaard, CFO (left), E-CE Energi and Program Director of NEC, exchanges the MoU with AIT President Said Irandoust on 27 February. The Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) has joined with Vietnam Electricity (EVN) and Norwegian Electricity Cooperation (NEC) to establish a three-year cooperative program for MBA graduate education, research, training, and consultancy activities designed to support the development of human resources in Vietnam related to the power market, power transmission and finance and investment industries.

AIT, Norwegian Electricity Cooperation and Vietnam Electricity sign MOU for international Executive MBA scholarships, and more

The Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) has joined with Vietnam Electricity (EVN) and Norwegian Electricity Cooperation (NEC) to establish a three-year cooperative program for MBA graduate education, research, training, and consultancy activities designed to support the development of human resources in Vietnam related to the power market, power transmission and finance and investment industries.

AIT Solid Waste and Wastewater Management experts in Laos

Roundtable on Sustainable Solid Waste Management Policies and
Policy Dialog on Urban Wastewater Management and Sanitation 

The Public Works and Transport Institute in Lao PDR, in cooperation with the Southeast Asia Urban Environmental Management Applications Project at the Asian Institute of Technology, will hold a roundtable discussion and dialogue on solid waste and wastewater management.

AIT Extension organizes several training programs

The AIT Extension is currently organizing several training programs as follows: International Exposure Program on Financing SMEs; University of Management and Administration funded by University of Balochistan, Pakistan; Integrated Coastal Management in Thailand funded by United Nations International Development Organization (UNIDO); Program on Best Practices in HR in the Financial Services Sector funded by Bank of India (RBI); and Study Visit Program on Biodiversity Management and Conservation funded by United Nations Development Program- Global Environment Facility (UNDP-GEF).

For further information, please visit:  http://www.

SET welcomes Visiting Faculty from University of Tokyo

The School of Engineering and Technology (SET) welcomes Dr. Shinji Tanaka as a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Transportation Engineering Field of Study for a period of two years, from1 January 2008 to 31 July 2009.  He is seconded to SET by the International Center for Urban Safety Engineering (ICUS), Institute of Industrial Science of the University of Tokyo.

Norway’s IRIS collaboration

Recently Dr. Asbjorn Bergheim, Senior Research Scientist Marine Environment from the International Research Institute of Stavanger (IRIS), Norway visited AIT and met with Professor S. K. Rakshit, Vice President for Research. IRIS is currently collaborating with AIT, with Dr. Dhirendra Thakur as the AIT PI, in a project contributing their expertise in the areas of water circulation and exchange, recirculation of water, oxygenation of water and environmental monitoring of water and organism quality.