Extension of laptop subsidy to other students of AIT
In addition to providing a laptop subsidy to new master's and doctoral students enrolling from the August 2007 intake, AIT was able to negotiate an extension of the subsidy to other students of AIT.
The subsidy will be as follows:
A 50% subsidy to doctoral students enrolled in the August 2006 and January 2007 intakes, students enrolled in the two-stage masters program with AIT Center in Vietnam (AITCV) who have started their studies at the AIT main campus from August 2007 (AIT and AITCV share the costs of subsidy equally).
A 25% subsidy will be offered to master's students enrolled in the August 2006 and January 2007 intakes, students from the two-stage masters program with institutes other than AITCV who have taken up their studies at AIT from the August 2007 semester, and professional master's students enrolled in the August 2007 intake.