World Bank Essay Contest 2007
Participate now and have your voice heard! The World Bank and its partners invite you to participate in the International Essay Competition 2007 to share your experience and ideas on fighting corruption.
Answer both topic questions: 1) How does corruption affect your life? and 2) What can you do to fight the corruption that you face?
If you have been personally involved in concrete initiatives, write specifically about your experience: How did you recognize corruption? Who have you worked with? Who have you helped? What have you accomplished? In what way would you consider this work to be innovative? How have you measured the results of your work? How would you improve your impact? How can other youth replicate your experience?
The deadline for submissions is March 15, 2007. The essay competition is open for nationals of ALL countries of the world, students and non-students alike, aged 18-25. Students enrolled in Ph.D. courses are, however, not eligible to participate.