Students asked for yearbook information

Students asked for yearbook information

AIT Student Union is publishing the 'Batch Yearbook' for AIT's 105th graduation, which will be a souvenir for the graduating students. All May 2006 graduating students are encouraged to send details as soon as possible to make the effort a success and to avoid errors.

Papers deadline extended

Papers deadline extended
Due to a number of requests, the Organizing Committee of the World Multi-conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics in Orlando, Florida, U.S.A. 16-19 July 2006 has extended the deadline for papers and abstracts submissions as follows: Abstract/paper draft submissions and invited session proposals: 26 April 2006; authors notification: 17 May; camera-ready, full papers: 31 May.

UNESCO delegates� visit to concentrate on regional water issues

� The visit will strengthen the long-standing
relationship and cooperation between UNESCO and
AIT. The delegates will have several meetings
with the AIT administration and will discuss the
establishment of centers of excellence for education,
capacity building and research in water resources
management and nanotechnology at AIT, and collaboration
among AIT, UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education,
and UNESCO, under the framework of the IHP, Water
Sciences and Natural Sciences of UNESCO.In addition, the following three activities
are being organized at AIT during that period:
� UNESCO IHP 'PCCP South and Southeast
Asia Brainstorming Meeting' on 21 April
2006 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the AIT Conference

Enter the master’s theses competition

Enter the master's theses competition
Prof. Sudip Rakshit, vice president for research, announced a competition of the best research theses among the AIT graduating students in May 2006.

The competition will promote an atmosphere of research in the institute, acknowledge and showcase outstanding research conducted by students.