Expressions of interest sought

Expressions of interest sought

A call for Expression of Interest from lead institutions for a project on 'Analysis of River Basin Water Productivity and its Relationship to Poverty.'

Prof. Sudip Rakshit, vice president for research, announced a 'Call for Expression of Interest' from lead institutions for a project on: 'Analysis of River Basin Water Productivity and its Relationship to Poverty,' which was brought to his notice by Dr. Bernadette Resurreccion of Gender & Development Studies field of study, School of Environment, Resources and Development.

Harvard award honors environmental partnerships

Harvard award honors environmental partnerships

The Roy Family Award was established by the Environment and Natural Resources Program at the John F. Kennedy School of Government to recognize public-private partnerships that have attained exemplary achievements in the area of environmental protection and natural resources conservation.

Switch to new server means downtime

Switch to new server means downtime

ITServ will replace the existing hosting server (, a.k.a., on Thursday, 23 March 23 at 5 p.m. This operation is expected to take about one hour.

During that time, student, staff and faculty personal home pages as well as the Web sites this server hosts will be unreachable.

AIT-Sri Lanka relations flourishing

AIT-Sri Lanka relations flourishing

A delegation from AIT visited Sri Lanka 16 and 17 February 2006 to follow up on the already well establish links AIT currently enjoys with the Sri Lankan government, ministries, universities and private sector as well as to have discussion on the proposed establishment of the AIT Center in Applied Biotechnology with the partnership of the University of Colombo and University of Peradeniya.

AIT-Sri Lanka relations flourishing

AIT-Sri Lanka relations flourishing

A delegation from AIT visited Sri Lanka 16 and 17 February 2006 to follow up on the already well establish links AIT currently enjoys with the Sri Lankan government, ministries, universities and private sector as well as to have discussion on the proposed establishment of the AIT Center in Applied Biotechnology with the partnership of the University of Colombo and University of Peradeniya.