IGES’ CDM country guide

IGES' CDM country guide

The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies announced the publication of its "Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Country Guide", a series of manuals for CDM project development for each Asian country including, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia and the Philippines.

Prof. Athapol named coordinator

Prof. Athapol named coordinator

Prof. Sivanappan Kumar, Dean of School of Environment, Resources and Development, appointed Prof. Athapol Noomhorm (right) as the new coordinator of Food Engineering and Bioprocess Technology Field of Study for a period of two years, effective 4 January 2006 .

His appointment was based on the recommendation of the faculty members in the field.

AIT graduate applies cutting-edge technology to medical education

AIT graduate applies cutting-edge technology to medical education

A recent AIT graduate was featured in the 18 January Bangkok Post for work she began here at AIT and continues at Thammasat University 's School of Dentistry .

Dr. Siriwan Suebnukarn , a new graduate of AIT's Computer Science and Information Management Field of Study, School of Engineering and Technology, developed a computer system that helps bring problem-based learning to the masses.

Bulletins, book to highlight AIT research

Bulletins, book to highlight AIT research

A series of AIT Research Bulletins is planned for publication that will include an overview of research being carried out at the institute, said Prof. Sudip K. Rakshit, Vice President - Research.

As a precursor to this, an AIT Research Year Book 2005 is being prepared to cover all aspects of research done at AIT last year, which is intended to be ready before the next meeting of Board of Trustees in April 2006.

All fields of study will be requested to provide input to the Office of Vice President - Research in coming weeks.

Scholarship opportunities for students from Myanmar

Scholarship opportunities for students from Myanmar

Partial scholarship opportunities for 2006 are now offered by the Open Society Institute and Prospect Burma for students from Myanmar. The scholarships will be provided for students in many fields of study and usually for those who have already been provided partial scholarships by other sources.

News & Media Specialist Joins Staff

News & Media Specialist Joins Staff

The AIT Community welcomes Mr. Ralf E. Kircher (right) who joined AIT as News and Media Specialist, External Relations and Communications Office, on 17 January 2006. In that capacity, Mr. Kircher will be internationally promoting public awareness of AIT's faculty, students, alumni and projects.

Earthquake Resistant Housing for Pakistan

Earthquake Resistant Housing for Pakistan

AIT Dr. Pennung (left) Joins a Technical Team for Survey Trip of Earthquake Affected Areas in Pakistan

Habitat for Humanity® International (HFHI), in response to the October 2005 earthquake that killed over 80,000 people and leveled towns and villages across northern Pakistan, assembled a technical team of engineers and earthquake experts including Dr. Pennung Warnitchai, Associate Professor in AIT's School of Engineering and Technology, to survey the earthquake ravaged areas of Pakistan and to come up with a plan for reconstruction of rural dwellings.