

I am pleased to announce, effective from 1 May 2005, the promotion in academic rank of Dr Kyoko Kusakabe (right), SERD/Gender & Development Studies Field of Study from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor.

Dr Kusakabe has been a faculty member since 1999. Her major areas of specialization and research interests are in women in market economies; gender issues in trade; women and enterprise management/micro-vendors/informal sector; borderland studies, gender issues in organizations, social networks, gender and development policy and planning; and gender issues in aquaculture and fisheries.

Visiting AIT

H.E. Mr. Pieter J. Th Marres (left), Ambassador of Netherlands to Thailand speaks with Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, Acting President and Provost

Visiting AIT

On 4 April 2005, H.E. Mr. Pieter J. Th Marres, Ambassador of Netherlands to Thailand visited AIT. During the visit he met with Prof.

AIT, ADPC signs MoU

AIT, ADPC signs MoU

The Asian Institute of Technology and the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to develop and establish a dynamic long-term partnership of ongoing collaboration and cooperation to support the sustainable development of countries in the Asian region.

Former SU President Soni receives Reedy Award

Former SU President Soni receives Reddy Award

Mr. Peeyush Soni (right), AIT Student Union (SU) Jan 2004 President was recently notified to receive the Reddy Award from the Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers (ISAE).

Mr. Soni will receive the prestigious award for his thesis titled, 'Effect of different mesh-sized cladding materials on a naturally ventilated greenhouse microclimate' at the 40th ISAE Convention to be held in New Delhi in February 2006.

AIT, ADPC signs MoU

AIT, ADPC signs MoU

The Asian Institute of Technology and the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to develop and establish a dynamic long-term partnership of ongoing collaboration and cooperation to support the sustainable development of countries in the Asian region.